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Showing results 1 to 10 of 53
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 The Effect of Big Data on the Development of the Insurance Industry Belhadi, A.; Abdellah, N.; Nezai, A. Article 381269305 1371707091
2023 Ethics of Digital Innovation in Public Administration Pakhnenko, Olena Mykhailivna; Zhang, Kuan Article 23667074 76330952
2023 The Role of Employee Moral Awareness in Promoting Ethical Leadership: Towards Reducing Organisational Deviance in Ghana Coffie, R.B.; Ansah, M.O.; Ellis, F. Article 31921 17549
2023 Evaluating Consumer Perceptions of Businesses Pre- and Post-Midterm Elections Using Business Ethics Index (BEI) Tsalikis, J.; Haderlie, T.; Sewak, S. Article 6270 6746
2023 Book Review on Stephen L. Morgan (2021). The Chinese Economy Gentle, P.F. Article 35305 27819
2023 Innovation and Management of Smart Transformation Global Energy Sector: Systematic Literature Review Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Bektas, C.; Havrylenko, O. Article -256016491 -662190681
2023 Intellectual Property and Patent Rights Protection for Innovators in Jordan Soumadi, M.M. Article 6491 10970
2023 A Qualitative Analysis of Organisational Commitment in an Algerian Pharmaceutical Industry Houfaf Khoufaf, A.; Nouiri, A. Article -1894389478 -2101093948
2023 Exploration of the Organisational Conditions that Influence the Utilization of Student Support Services in South African Nursing Colleges Skakane-Masango, T.P.; Mtshali, N.G.; Ngcobo, S. Article 9570 10389
2023 The Effect of Organisational Citizenship Behavior on Cultural Diversity: A Case Study of Ophthalmological Hospital Friendship Algeria-Cuba Zohra, D.; Naas, S.A.; Karima, K.; Saba, N.A.; Eshag, E.A.E. Article 2063582262 -467611874