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Showing results 40 to 50 of 53
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 The Effect of Big Data on the Development of the Insurance Industry Belhadi, A.; Abdellah, N.; Nezai, A. Article -1221197201 -1446290387
2023 A Study of the Link Between Individual’s Biographical Variables and Propensity for Entrepreneurial Leadership Khuboni, T.C.; Msosa, S.K.; Ntshangase, B.A. Article 61770 31135
2023 The Roles of Strategic Leadership in Ensuring Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Empirical Evidence from Pharmaceutical Distribution in Emerging Markets Takawira, B.; Mutambara, E. Article 45173018 29380729
2023 Perceptions of Board Members on the Presence of Pharmacists as Strategic Leaders of Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Companies Operating in South Africa: A Qualitative Study Mayimele, N.; Demana, P.; Keele, M. Article 1358617772 -2007426530
2023 Employee Perceptions of Skill-Based Compensation in an Algerian Juice Company Naga, N.; Amalou, S.I. Article 903838601 826709832
2023 Participant/Avoidant Learning Approaches and Academic Performance in Cost Accounting: A Study of South-South Nigerian Federal University Students Pius, E.-G.; Chukwuka, G.K. Article 821 411
2023 Culture Change: The Nexus of Leadership, Organisational Development Models, and Coaching Cultures in Healthcare Bianco-Mathis, V.; Burrell, D.N. Article 11121176 2977876
2023 Leadership of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs), Inflation and Economics Development in Nigeria (1981-2021) Olaniyan, S.O.; Adepeju, M.B. Article 3788477 1032189
2023 The Minibus Taxi Industry’s Communication Strategies in Dealing with Linguistic Diversity on the Way to Business Leadership: The Case of South Africa Masala, P. Article 1110190 1102073
2023 Leadership in Agriculture: Artificial Intelligence for Modelling and Forecasting Growth in the Industry Hadouga, H. Article 45362 25744