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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 The Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Activities for Economic Development: A Route to Innovation and Job Generation Khan, Y. Article -172794171 1474951338
2018 Influence of innovation factor in economic dynamics in Europe Smoliy, L.; Revutska, A.; Novak, I. Article 108443650 769498533
2018 Innovation marketing to enhance competitiveness: case of Armenia and Ukraine Isahakyan, Sh.; Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna Article -1446499979 1008177354
2018 Innovations as a Prerogative in Teaching Foreign Languages Chepeliuk, Antonina Dmytrivna; Susidenko, Ye. Article 1545029383 -626740021
2018 The evaluation of the impact of financial technologies innovations on CEECs capital markets Paskevicius, A.; Keliuotyte-Staniuleniene, G. Article 1801591385 2135301613
2018 Goodwill assessment in enterprise management: innovative approaches using computer and communication technologies Zadorozhnyi, Z-M.; Sudyn, Y.; Muravskyi, V. Article -118480386 1585877452
2018 Innovation in public finance management of sustainable human development Kozarezenko, L.; Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Tulai, O. Article 444399171 1233325381
2018 Державна підтримка українського експорту: стан та напрямки розвитку Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Макаренко, Т.Ю. Article -895244320 1178068562
2018 Щодо удосконалення структури адміністративно-правового регулювання наукової діяльності в аграрній сфері України: окремі питання Пахомова, А.О. Article 128426145 232229430
2018 Consumer behaviour in innovative products purchasing process Dunska, M.; Salkovska, J.; Batraga, A.; Braslina, L. Article 1477932803 -122928263
2018 Academic capitalism: development trends in ukraine and european practice Novikova, I.; Martyniuk, V.; Bediukh, A.; Kharina, O. Article 110911589 1856095589