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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Фінансова система як об’єкт управління фонду державного майна України Myrhorod-Karpova, Valeriia Valeriivna; Шрамко, І.П. Article 1041639883 -1799300851
2019 Аналіз ефективності роботи персоналу як елемент бізнес-процесу підприємства Pavlenko, Olena Oleksiivna; Maksymenko, Ihor Olehovych; Lapin, Yevhen Vasylovych; Kasianenko, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Article 1263795201 -1948704144
2019 Economic Mechanism for Managing the Communication Business Processes of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Globalization Zavrazhnyi, Kostiantyn Yuriiovych Article 221008674 44320085
2019 Correlational Study: Internal Auditing and Management Control Environment Innovation within Public Sector in the United States Kasztelnik, K.; Gaines, V.W. Article 1387645069 -562509474
2019 The Innovative Experience of the Republic of Moldova in Reforming the Accounting System and Its Harmonization with IFRS and Europeans Directives Grigoroi, L.; Muntean, N. Article -168715710 852459784
2019 Management of Digital Information Technologies in Digital Economy Ivanova, V.V. Article 1330254382 1932694660
2019 Efficiency of management of loan funds in the banking industry of Ukraine: data of the factor analysis of credit turnover Andros, S.; Melnyk, L.; Butenko, N.; Zaikina, H.; Tykhenko, Volodymyr Serhiiovych Article 815001190 380662857
2019 Profit Management as an Instrument for SMEs Developing: the Case for Slovakia Siekelova, A.; Kovacova, M.; Adamko, P.; Stehel, V. Article 1003062922 -414413746
2019 The Impact of Socio-economic Factors on the Management of Agro-cooperatives in Local Communities Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Ponomarenko, Oksana Serhiivna; Bohmova, L.; Bykhovets, O.V.; Kotiuk, L.V. Article 17352583 7624335
2019 Marketing and Managing Destination Identity for Tourism Promotion: The Case of Koh Chang Marine National Park in Thailand Preechawong, P.; Sawagvudcharee, O.; Mujtaba, B.G. Article 560348995 393994584
2019 Innovative Approaches to Evaluation of Concentration of the Banking System as a Basis of Improving the State Crisis Management Vasiljeva, T.; Stadnyk, A. Article 708834338 305724763
2019 Theoretical and Methodical Approaches to the Definition of Marketing Risks Management Concept at Industrial Enterprises Tkachenko, V.; Kwilinski, A.; Tkachenko, I.; Puzyrova, P. Article -743511471 -1559455158
2019 Теоретичні засади управління ліквідністю та платоспроможністю підприємств Liuta, Olha Vasylivna; Pihul, Nataliia Heorhiivna; Глядько, К. Article -1214708254 -704098917