Browsing by Keywords job satisfaction

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Assessing the Impact of Friendly Family Practice in Reducing Employee Turnover in Malaysian Private Higher Educational Institutions. Teh, S.A.N. Article 1486288 1265550
2022 Demographic Characteristics and Job Satisfaction: The Mediation Role of Organisational Justice Perceptions in Public and Private Sector Health Organisations in Nigeria Court, T.O. Article 3994 4092
2022 The Effect of Innovative Organizational Climate on Employee Job Satisfaction Ozsoy, T. Article 5927504 26313694
2020 Innovations in HR Management: a Content Analysis Approach Elmortada, A.; Mokhlis, C.-E.; Mokhlis, A.; Elfezazi, S. Article 1152434910 842609289
2020 Innovations in Human Resource Management: Impact of Social Media Use on Employees’ Performance Alkhateeb, M.; Abdalla, R. Article -58008100 -1221559246
2018 Innovative approaches to analysis of job quality: factors, elements and outcomes Shvets, A. Article 1688937726 -1635917843
2021 The Investigation of Association between Transformational Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfactions Among Small Business in the United States Al-Ahmadi, A.; Kasztelnik, K. Article 194127081 966018557
2023 Job Satisfaction as Important Factor of Work Quality and the Influence of Selected Factors Grmanova, E.; Bartek, J. Article 60403133 93747254
2023 The Mediating Role of Job Security in The Impact of Digital Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction Topcuoglu, E.; Oktaysoy, O.; Uygungil-Erdogan, S.; Kaygin, E.; Karafakioglu, E. Article 1242515 1491440
2019 Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Organizations: A Study of University of Africa and Market Square Company, Bayelsa State Sapele, F.F.; Idoniboye-Obu, S.A. Article -1748803674 -996789090
2023 Shift work, workload, and professionalism related motivators affecting job satisfaction: An empirical study among medical laboratory technicians Rajan, D. Article 741980140 918980071
2019 The Role of Coping in Salespeople’s Satisfaction and Its Effect on Salespeople’s Ethics Srivastava, R.V. Article -2134570586 -593675408
2017 The situation of graduate employees on the Hungarian labor market Cseh-Papp, I.; Szira, Z.; Varga, E. Article 1088536627 113075075