Browsing by Keywords концепт

Showing results 1 to 20 of 115
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Analyzing the Frame Model of MAIDAN-concept (Case Study of British Internet-Media Corpus) Yehorova, Olesia Ivanivna; Stepanov, Vitalii Valeriiovych; Stepanov, Vitalii Valeriovych Article 611523747 -440207159
2014 Can cultural models for abstract concepts be literal Бокун, І. Article 1256175599 1114917346
2021 The concept of DEATH in modern English-speaking discourse: a linguosynergetic perspective Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna; Molhamova, Liliia Oleksiivna Article 299333057 -889845518
2023 Concepts Through a Linguosynergetic Lens (On the Example of the Concept of Death) Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna; Molhamova, Liliia Oleksiivna Article 4409 2606
2020 Empathy as a self-organized cognitive model: A linguistic synergetic perspective Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna Article 172121121 418800413
2021 Gender concepts in modern Ukrainian media Chornodon, M. Article -1733027794 -1112460421
2018 Grammatical parameters of the notional modus of EMPATHY concept lexicalised in modern English discourse Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna Article -819409914 352421150
2017 Indefinite quantity in language and cognition: imagery-evaluative perspective Yehorova, O. Article 1516822767 891317538
2024 The lexeme "harmony" in English: dictionary definitions’ analysis Skarlupina, Yuliia Anatoliivna Article 40 36
2024 Linguosynergetic vector of studying contemporary Ukrainian discourse (on the material of “Voroshilovgrad” by Serhiy Zhadan) Chernysh, Anna Yevheniivna Article 26 20
2019 Mathematical analysis of the concept as a self-organized limitlessly branchable structure (on the basis of the fractal geometry by B. Mandelbrot) Stepanov, Vitalii Valeriiovych Conference Papers 1542670044 835066455
2023 The mental consideration of RESILIENCE as a relevant social concept (a corpus-based research of American English) Stepanov, Vitalii Valeriiovych; Reshytko, Anna Dmytrivna; Kobiakova, Iryna Karpivna Article 4530 2838
2017 Modeling the "Political Life" Frame Concept on the Basis of a Political–Aphorism Corpus Shvachko, Svitlana Oleksiivna; Stepanov, Vitalii Valeriiovych Article 529864670 1837997268
2017 Modeling the Human Life Frame Concept on the Basis of a Fredrich Nietzsche’s Philosophical-aphorism Corpus Kobiakova, Iryna Karpivna; Shvachko, Svitlana Oleksiivna; Stepanov, V.V. Conference Papers 980005603 1109270840
2021 Modern concepts: from a static to dynamic unit Stepanov, Vitalii Valeriiovych Article 1328633077 1045033584
2017 Odor qualia of Dagmar Trodler’s individual style Dehtiarova, Larysa Ivanivna; Prykhodko, Nataliia Anatoliivna; Hartsunova, Larysa Ivanivna Article -1409494573 -660295344
2024 Phililogical perspectives of design thinking and artificial intelligence in the Education 5.0-7.0 era Danylchenko-Cherniak, O. Article 270 105
2020 Role of prominence in matrix modeling of the POLITICS concept (within the USA celebrity discourse) Stepanov, V.V. Article 1037888219 875530984
2020 Role of prominence in matrix modeling of the POLITICS concept (within the USA political discourse) Stepanov, Vitalii Valeriiovych Article 11925719 15337744
2014 Some functions of frames Бокун І.А., Article 397632579 146186843