Browsing by Keywords персонал

Showing results 1 to 20 of 194
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Classification and analysis of factors that affect stability of oil and gas enterprise staff Zelinska, H.O. Article 161287238 611915825
2022 Features of the personnel management system in the restaurant business (case study of Family Restaurant Group LLC) Chuhai, D.V. Bachelous Paper 1540897098 1910730907
2021 HR-менеджмент в приватних закладах охорони здоров’я (на прикладі ТОВ «ВЕРБА МЕДІКАЛ») Логвинюк, Г.О. Masters thesis 1273885469 -2117495702
2018 Improvement of personnel motivation at the enterprise Odewole, Oluwatobi O. Bachelous Paper 5 0
2014 KPI как универсальный мотиватор эффективной работы персонала Графодатская, А.С.; Поникаров, В.А. Conference Papers 492688185 579752619
2019 Management of Digital Information Technologies in Digital Economy Ivanova, V.V. Article 1330254382 1932694660
2014 Management of social links - fluctuations and absences Tej, J.; Taha, V. Ali Conference Papers 671728395 411478384
2022 Motivation of staff as a factor in improving the efficiency of management system (as case as LLC "Company Style") Krol, Z.A. Bachelous Paper -1261746617 -1430982669
2023 Motivational factor in the personnel management system at modern production enterprises Medvedieva, M.M. Bachelous Paper 579401416 -1391084873
2018 Personnel aspects of marketing activity reengineering at the industrial enterprises Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Кобизький, Денис Сергійович; Kobyzkyi, Denys Serhiiovych; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Dimitrova, V. Article 1731769351 -1615100518
2021 Personnel management in a transnational corporation Lobanova, A.M.; Лобанова, A.M. Bachelous Paper 1612402038 1743182909
2021 Personnel Selection System in International Corporations Lobanova, A.; Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna Conference Papers 1793561931 1690946173
2018 Preferences for job life qualyty and motivation in healthcare Aslan, I.; Morsunbul, D. Article -227882851 -596859016
2020 Recommendations for improving the hospital’s marketing policy Pushko, Olha Oleksandrivna; Yula, Yu.; Palienko, M. Article -596487336 -381233778
2023 The role of information systems in personnel management Usova, Ye.O. Bachelous Paper 6304965 8805418
2011 Strategic approach to sale human resources management of Ukrainian commercial bank in conditions of crisis Мазило, Т.В.; Lukin, Dmytro Anatoliiovych Article -1625478986 -1873966085
2024 Strategic Management of a Company’s Employer Brand: Experience of International Companies Trunina, I.; Pryakhina, K.; Bilyk, M. Article 1 0
2021 Transformation of the Personnel Management System in the Conditions of Digitalization of HR Processes. Kholod, S.; Pavlova, V.; Spitsyna, A.; Maistrenko, Yu.; Anufrieva, O.; Luk`ianykhin, Vadym Oleksandrovych Article 6298559 6241180
2015 Trends research and analysis of personnel audit Batsenko, L.N.; Halenin, Roman Volodymyrovych; Galenin, Roman Volodymyrovych Article 49175 23590
2023 Using information technology in operative management of the enterprise Moroz, M. Bachelous Paper 1603899069 1325575964