Browsing by Keywords quality

Showing results 1 to 20 of 100
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Analysis of the Theories for Assessment of the Quality Management Product Efficiency Zaloha, Viliam Oleksandrovych; Yashyna, Tetiana Viktorivna; Dynnyk, Oksana Dmytrivna Article 1692758181 1250159521
2019 Companies Image: Marketing and Financial Communications Ciubotariu, M.; Socoliuc, M.; Mihaila, S.; Savchuk, D. Article 1336879317 974597537
2022 Electric-Spark Alloying of Metal Surfaces with Graphite Tarelnyk, V. B.; Haponova, Oksana Petrivna; Konoplianchenko, Ye.V. Article -1174228405 -997082379
2022 Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention of Luxury Branded Perfumes Krishnan, C.; Agarwal, N.; Gupta, S. Article 1916758850 -640013866
2013 Forming of Elements of Mechanism of Assessing the Quality of Bank Management System Башлай, С.В.; Подоляка, О.І. Article 24860192 18056089
2019 Fundamentals of a National Standardization System as a Means Confirming the Quality and Innovation of Products: Experience of International Organizations in Ukraine and Canada Derevyanko, B.V.; Rieznik, Oleh Mykolaiovych; Shlapko, Tetiana Viktorivna; Popovych, T.G. Article -1111201154 -1134230049
2022 Improvement of the management system at the enterprise (case study of LLC “Atlas Center”) Abdulmunem, Omar Bachelous Paper 123564705 639459942
2023 Improvement of the quality of 3D printing in the mass production of parts Rud, V.D.; Zaika, O.M.; Samchuk, L.M.; Povstyana, Y.S. Article 32336 30416
2024 International competitiveness of national education (on the example of Germany and Ukraine) Yevdokymova, B.O. Bachelous Paper 0 1
2021 Leadership in the Research: Determinants of Quality, Standards and Best Practices Dźwigoł, H. Article -851023878 706877737
2021 Meta-Analysis in Management and Quality Sciences Dzwigol, H. Article 1665362576 1853121864
2012 Methodological approach to estimation of qualit of state regulation influence on Ukrainian financial services market Boiarko, I.M.; Deineka, Olha Valeriivna; Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna Article 296783471 -1942535725
2022 A new approach to evaluate the index of ISO 9001 Ceko, E. Article 19847679 12756005
2018 Offline and online approaches to quality perception of Slovak university hospitals Stefko, R.; Pollak, F.; Gavurova, B. Article 205502179 146347346
2021 Qualitative Mechanisms of Modern Economic System’s Development Stepura, T.M. Article 1631536490 -1624074469
2022 Quality and Innovations in the Financial Reporting as a Way to Increase Attractiveness for Institutional Investors Ibrahimov, Z.; Hajieva, S.; Nazarov, V.; Mazanov, A.; Baghirov, J. Article 139096 231335
2022 Quality of Education and Science in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals—From Millennium Goals to Agenda 2030: Factors of Innovation Activity and Socio-Economic Impact Artiukhov, Artem Yevhenovych; Volk, I.; Surowiec, A.; Skrzypek-Ahmed, S.; Bliumska-Danko, K.; Dluhopolskyi, O.; Shablystyi, V. Article 19628 35891
2019 The Impact of Organizational Culture for Company's Innovation Strategy Pietruszka-Ortyl, A. Article 534222106 -1836105226
2017 The universal pragmatic principle of cooperation in the light of empathic communication Tatsenko, Nataliia Vitaliivna; Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna; Ushchapovska, Iryna Vasylivna Article -1261830890 -1417838962
2015 Адекватність як інтегральна характеристика якості управлінської інформації: теоретичні передумови забезпечення Калюжна, Н.Г. Article 984228184 1080326246