Browsing by Keywords service quality

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Analysing Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality at DLF Mall of India Sao, A.; Kumar, A.; Bapat, G.; Khan, M.S.; Singh, S. Article -1649246349 1403006488
2019 Brand loyalty of Higher Education Institutions Abbas, S.A. Article -1864151122 -852199113
2019 Fostering Employee’s Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Evidence from Emerging Pakistan Muneeb, F.M.; Chughtai, M.S.; Anjum, U.; Ma, J. Article 1514669761 1792668192
2019 Innovation in Service Quality Measurement: a Case of Nigerian Healthcare Sector Chinedum, Nduka; Chinwuba, Moguluwa Shedrack; Rejoice, Okocha Ebere Article 685687658 424904164
2008 Internet banking: an initial look at Ghanaian bank consumer perceptions Woldie, A.; Hinson, R.; Iddrisu, H.; Boateng, R. Article -1236641420 475869743
2022 Measuring the Effect of Healthcare Service Quality Dimensions on Patient’s Satisfaction in The Algerian Private Sector Mrabet, S.; Benachenhou, S.M.; Khalil, A. Article -1678867177 -354143587
2023 The Mediating Role of Firm Prestige in the Relationship between Perceived Quality and Behaviour Intention in Customer Cafeteria Experiences Samsa, C. Article 1184270180 899953767
2018 Methods and opportunities for improving customer quality and competitiveness of real estate agencies Mayboroda, Tetyana; Мінько, Д. Conference Papers 273388 286758
2020 The Role of CRM Fog Computing on Innovation and Customer Service Quality: an Empirical Study Aljawarneh, N.M.; Sokiyna, M.; Obeidat, A.M.; Alomari, K.A.K.; Alradaideh, A.T.; Alomari, Z.S. Article 1049259434 -608140217
2008 Впровадження інтернет‐банкінгу в Гані: перший погляд на споживче сприйняття Волді, А.; Хінсон, Р.; Іддрісу, Х.; Боатенг, Р. Article 94293453 121563806
2016 Екологічний облік: визначення перспектив та основних засад впровадження Hrytsenko, Olena Ivanivna Article -1677575123 -1921771163
2017 Окремі особливості процесу продукування послуг Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna; Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna; Данилюк, Ю.М. Conference Papers 2034283759 1983400559