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Showing results 1601 to 1620 of 94765
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Chemical structure of non-apatitic environment of the nanocrystals trabecular bone Husak, E. Conference Papers 2156961 1910167
2009 Chemical surface deposition of CdS thin films from CdI2 aqueous solution Il’chuk, G.; Kusnezh, V.; Shapowal, P.; Tsupko, F.; Petrus, R.; Tokarev, S.; Horbova, O. Article 46990105 49523951
2014 Chemical synthesis and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles Samanta, P.K.; Saha, A.; Kamilya, T. Article 143048066 -190014521
2012 Chemical Synthesis of Sub-micrometer- to Nanometer-sized of Antiferromagnetic Sr2CuO3 Ceramic Arani, S.A.; Salavati-Niasari, M. Conference Papers 4121747 8482774
2013 Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene on Copper Kostogrud, I.A.; Smovzh, D.V. Conference Papers 2185941 3324433
2012 Chemical, Structural and Optical Properties of ē-Beam Evaporated Tungsten Diselenide Polycrystalline Thin Film Patel, Maul M.; Patel, K.D.; Pathak, V.M.; Srivastava, R. Article -1187882493 272609120
2011 Chemo-emf in the silicon solar cell exposed to low-energy hydrogen atoms Styrov, V.V.; Simchenko, S.V.; Golotyuk, V.N. Conference Papers -1408231791 -1049419847
2017 Chemotherapeutic Drugs Vysotskyi, Ihor Yuriiovych; Khramova, Raisa Andriivna; Kachanova, Alla Anatoliivna Learning Object 875933071 1032693592
2013 Chemtrails impact on the environment and human brains Melnik, Y.; Linnik, T. Conference Papers -274204497 697675386
2012 Chernobyl nuclear accident Kozlenko, T.V. Conference Papers 232696513 1012052483
2014 Chewing gum- 5000 years of history Kruptseva, N.D. Conference Papers -1943950131 -343351809
2020 Child health care system in Ukraine Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych; Smiian, Oleksandr Ivanovych; Popov, Serhii Vitaliiovych; Petrashenko, Viktoriia Oleksandrivna; Zaitsev, Ihor Eduardovych; Redko, Olena Kostiantynivna; Загородній, Микола Петрович; Загородний, Николай Петрович; Zahorodnii, Mykola Petrovych; Kasian, Svitlana Mykolaivna Article -2069191201 -1003563747
2021 Child labor as an obstacle to education Miroshnychenko, K.; Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna Conference Papers 859924 860135
2016 Child-friendly school in Ukraine: conceptual framework Yezhova, Olha Oleksandrivna; Petrochko, Zh. V.; Kyrychenko, V. I. Article -1527648648 1327340498
2016 Childhood malnutrition in Namibia Ndivelao, P.; Tjipepa, T.; Liubchak, Vladyslav Viktorovych Conference Papers 1720676153 1237081346
2016 Childhood malnutrition in Namibia Ndivelao, P.; Tjipepa, T.; Liubchak, Vladyslav Viktorovych Conference Papers -1448953195 330312328
2010 China's ecological problems and countermeasures Li, Ming Conference Papers 144978631 154092589
2023 China’s digital economy development: incentives and challenges Chen, Y.; Xu, S.; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Article 144781 90391
2023 Chinese companies’ transparency under sustainable development goals: the role of asset impairment and biological assets in audit Wu, L.; Wang, X.; Kai, H.; Yang, C.; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Article 70577 38867
2019 Chinese Smartphone Brands: Gender, Consumers Behavioural and Attitudinal Loyalty Zeng, F.; Bhutto, M.Y.; Soomro, Y.A. Article -1612752222 1865460355