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Showing results 30 to 40 of 41
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 An Analysis of the Relationship between Regulatory Control and Corruption based on Product and Market Regulation and Corruption Perceptions Indices Mujtaba, B.G.; McClelland, B.; Williamson, P.; Khanfar, N.; Cavico, F.J. Article 1437714194 1304518963
2018 Gender-Oriented Budgeting as a Democratic Practice during a Self-Government Reform: Ukrainian Experience Aghasiev, I.; Pavlikha, N.; Riabushenko, N. Article -865753009 1713121213
2018 Gender Sensitive Practices as Effective Tools for Implementing the Equality Policy: The Experience of Ukrainian Universities Domina, I.; Savelieva, Y.; Svitailo, N. Article 164682184 280583830
2018 Relationship between Organization Culture and Managers’ Performance: Empirical Study of a Chinese University Ong, Y.; Yue, W. Article 2101047907 -829238600
2018 Big Data, What Is It, Its Limits and Implications in Contemporary Life Karaoulanis, A. Article 1126617908 -19102195
2018 An Assessment of the Effects of Boko-Haram Insurgency on Business Development in North-Eastern States of Nigeria Bello, H.; Galadima, I.; Aliyu, B. Article -2058005367 1444100063
2018 Personal and Social Perception of Occupational Hazards by Health Care Workers: A Study among Radiographers Rajan, D. Article 616285830 -98537815
2018 Strategic Human Resource Practices and its Impact on Performance towards Achieving Organizational Goals Khan, Y. Article 1862994932 -608068020
2018 Analyzing the Employee Satisfaction and Demand vs Fulfillment of the Food and Beverage Sector in Bangladesh Ahmad, J. Article 420972266 -1052892
2018 Elderly Care – A Case for the CSR Initiatives Kurian, G.A. Article -68065320 909951179