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Showing results 20 to 30 of 40
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Value of the Company in the Egyptian Stock Market Elhennawy, E.M. Article 225901461 -398257048
2019 Breaking the Glass Ceiling Philosophy and Reality: A Study of Gender Progress and Career Development in the Corporate World Itty, S.S.; Garcia, J.R.; Futterman, C.; Austt, S.G.; Mujtaba, B.G. Article -1206112086 672476341
2019 Leadership of Enterprise Education on Poverty Alleviation and Unemployment in Africa Dum, A.B.N; Nwafor, B.C. Article -642134413 -522218714
2019 New Trends in Behavioral Economics: A Content Analysis of Social Communications of Youth Nur-Al-Ahad, Md.; Nusrat, S. Article -606075478 1770859937
2019 History of Childhood Oppression, Inter-Temporal Resentment and Compliance with Codes of Harassment at the Workplace: An Offender’s Perspective Akhter, S.T.; Humna, B. Article 1809310888 -1990223697
2019 Relationship of Corporate Governance and Efficiency of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks in India Agnihotri, A.; Gupta, S. Article 1687891288 1834843384
2019 Theoretical /Historical Account of Public Opinion Survey and Its Importance Bhandari, M.P. Article -413715736 -741360917
2019 Graduate Learners’ Perspectives of Developing ‘Speaking’ Skill in the Classrooms of Non-native English Speakers Khan, M.E.I.; Hasnahana, Article 1552405552 -829361463
2019 Current Mining Taxation Policy Implemented by both Mongolia and Kazakhstan: The Development Comparatives between Ulaanbaatar and Astana. Miller, A.D. Article -2095295037 -1899150557
2019 Analysis of the Determinants of Social Capital in Organizations Mercado, M.P.S.R.; Vargas-Hernández, J.G. Article -1323615174 -1029924819