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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Collective Action on Public Goods for Sustainable Development: Ethics in Action Yiu, L.; Saner, R.; Bardy, R. Article -206649904 403275110
2020 Mediating Effects of Stakeholders and Supervision on Corporate Social Responsibility Wang, F.; Lo, J.; Lam, M. Article 827862182 -441380633
2018 Elderly Care – A Case for the CSR Initiatives Kurian, G.A. Article 924632316 -1991762495
2018 Shaping Virtues Leadership to Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. Insights from a Case Study Baldo, M.D. Article 973441570 -2134010231
2017 Cross-cultural priming and its effects on business ethical decision making Tsalikis, J.; Stephanie, M. Victoria Article 214251856 -1982341222
2017 Indigenous Businesses and Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria: The First Bank Experience in Upholding Entrepreneurial and Economic Development Bello, H.S. Article 804902274 -1731193286
2018 Volkswagen Emission Scandal and Corporate Social Responsibility – A Case Study Mačaitytė, I.; Virbašiūtė, G. Article -745413357 1463456652
2022 A Contingent Resource-Based Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitive Advantage: A Focus on Transition Countries Djalilov, K. Article -12935680 -1065070343
2021 Relevance of Social Responsibility in the Pandemic Era − An Indian Perspective Kurian, G.A. Article -1673588225 458596879
2017 Public Policy for Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance for Sustainable Tourism Development in Greece Taliouris, E.; Trihas, N. Article -1482340749 1367382007