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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Network Leadership Theory: A New Research Agenda Shvindina, Hanna Oleksandrivna; Balahurovska, I.; Heiets, I. Article 956033385 -642610111
2020 Fostering Entrepreneurial Mentoring Culture for Sustainable Leadership Performance in Nigeria: Evidence from Selected SMEs in Ilorin Metropolis Brimah, B.A.; Rabiu, R.O; Bamidele, A.G.; Sheu, M.O. Article -750668755 -383871525
2020 Information and Communication Technology in Organizational Operations. Ethical and Operational Implications Karaoulanis, A.; Karaoulanis, A.-C. Article -1837920152 -1536678637
2019 Influence of Leadership Style and Ethical Climate of Attitude to Work of Police Officers: Evidence from Osun State Police Headquarter, Nigeria Popoola, M.A.; Samaila, M.; Lawal Kamaldeen, A.A. Article 813487653 687742674
2019 Value Co-creation and Leadership: An Analysis Based on the Business Ecosystem Concept Bonamigo, A.; Mendes, D. Article -1262418921 1507295502
2023 The Impact of Applying Sustainable Leadership Principles on Achieving the Characteristics of a Smart Organisation: A Field Study Ben Yahia, N. Article 162 103
2023 Exploring the Interplay Between Digital Technology, Transformational Leadership and Agility for Enhancing Organisational Performance Yamin, T.; Murwaningsari, E. Article 134 134
2023 Determinants of Leadership in Higher Education in European Countries Pozovna, Iryna Viktorivna; Arhipov, S.; Kuzior, A. Article 55 56
2023 Engagement of Educators in Private Family Business Schools: The Role of a Healthy Leadership Environment Masha, A.K.; Bwowe, P.; Nikisi, E. Article 17326781 6349165