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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2024 Innovative Approaches to Improving the Process of Risk Management in the Context of Developing a Strategy for the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises Kuznietsova, Anzhela Yaroslavivna; Kulish, D.; Prykhodko, B.; Kuznietsov, Oleksandr Yuriiovych Article 3543 1335
2024 The essence of startup: factors of success and failure Kovalov, Bohdan Leonidovych; Karepina, A.S.; Ponomarenko, Ihor Oleksandrovych Article -1102850170 -804267267
2024 Current state and prospects for the development of eco-hotels in Ukraine Ilnytska-Hykavchuk, H.Ya. Article 59 14
2023 The Importance of Gender Equality in Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation Veckalne, R.; Tambovceva, T. Article 421367324 -1340065457
2023 Exploring the Interplay Between Digital Technology, Transformational Leadership and Agility for Enhancing Organisational Performance Yamin, T.; Murwaningsari, E. Article 239 192
2023 Knowledge Economy, Innovation and the Universities' Education Role in Saudi Arabia: A Study of Academicians’ Perspectives at the University of Hail Thomran, M.; Alshammari, Ali Essa A. Article 317381 297891
2023 The Role of E-commerce as an Innovative Solutions in the Development of the Saudi Economy Ismail, H.H.; Azab, R.S. Article 1297 822
2023 Management problems of innovative technologies Stasyshyn, A.V.; Oliskevych, M.M.; Kozytskyy, V.A. Article 25897 27709
2023 Export of high-tech goods in the context of innovation transfer for social-economic development: factor analysis Habenko, M. Article 9051170 10819807
2023 Automation of optimization synthesis for modular technological equipment Zaleta, O.M.; Povstyanoy, O.Yu.; Ribeiro, L.F.; Redko, R.G.; Bozhko, T.Ye.; Chetverzhuk, T.I. Article 37895050 17739834
2023 Впровадження енергоефективних технологій в діяльності підприємства Tkachenko, Pavlo Illich; Yevdokymova, Alona Viktorivna; Yevdokymov, Andrii Valeriiovych Article 4734 524
2023 Examining the Role of Education Spending on China's Regional Economy from the Standpoints of Human and Intellectual Capital Yu, Y.; Tingting, Y.; Ruoxi, L.; Xinxin, W. Article 37616 19011
2023 Innovations and Tourism Regions: are Innovations Perceived as A Problem in Regional Development in European Tourism? Kubickova, V.; Labudova, V.; Benesova, D.; Mura, L. Article 11225 8960
2023 Content and Bibliometric Analysis of Education as a Competitive Advantage of Business Kharchenko, D. Article 15369 18255
2023 Challenges and opportunities in the ‘businesseducation-science’ system in the context of innovation development: cluster analysis Koibichuk, Vitaliia Vasylivna; Samoilikova, Anastasiia Viktorivna; Kharchenko, D.; Fritsak, M. Article 66503 77408
2023 Sustainable and Entrepreneurial: A Path to Performance Improvements for Family Firms? Mullens, D.; Shen, S. Article 146 135
2023 Management of Digitisation Processes in the Field of Social Services Rahmanov, F.; Salahov, R.; Hashimova, A. Article 13497 21181
2023 The Evaluation of Generation Z in Innovation of Career Success: Comparative Analysis with Generation Y Ozturk, U.; Yildirim, E. Article 320052559 -1211543273
2023 Integration of Ukrainian agricultural science into the global environmen Stoliarchuk, N.M. Article 2530 2382
2022 Employee’s Innovative Personality and Self-Efficacy Nohut, F.; Balaban, O. Article 525115111 1092655243