Browsing by Keywords industry

Showing results 1 to 20 of 78
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Academic inventors and patent rights: structure of collaboration in academic patents and university patents in Brazil Silva, K.; Vasconcellos, A.G. Article -735456225 1959826699
2019 Analysis of the Methodology of Constructing a Production Function Using Quality Criteria Skrynkovskyy, R.M.; Yuzevych, V.M.; Kataev, A.V.; Pawlowski, G.; Protsiuk, T.B. Article 1180355945 -534092956
2015 Estimation of the innovative projects investment potential at the machine builders (evidence from LLC "Turbomash") Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Olefirenko, Oleh Mykhailovych Article 498155445 -940496197
2024 Features of a high-stiffness tire interaction with a bearing surface during the starting period of motion Karpenko, V.; Voropay, A.; Czerepicki, A.; Neskreba, E. Article 164 167
2021 Multilayer and high-entropy alloy-based protective coatings for solving the issue of critical raw materials in the aerospace industry Postolnyi, Bohdan Oleksandrovych; Buranych, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych; Smyrnova, Kateryna Vasylivna; Araujo, J.P.; Rebouta, L.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Rohoz, Vladyslav Mykolaiovych Article 283015612 144742221
2019 New Edition on Historical Urbanistics of Donbas Korol, Vitalii Mykolaiovych Review -1217059635 -471160784
2018 New workplace forecasting in the industrial sector of the Ukrainian economy Кожемякіна, С.; Черкасов, А.; Резник, Н.; Язлюк, Б.; Zhuravka, Olena Serhiivna; Мазуров, С. Article 72392114 70012360
2020 Prerequisites and possibilities of creating a medical engineering cluster as the part of regional territorial marketing. Zaloha, Olha Oleksandrivna; Vakulenko, Ihor Anatoliiovych; Jasnikowsk, A. Article -1709228278 -1363218454
2021 Regional Economic Development in The Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Economic Crisis Lukash, Olha Anatoliivna; Derevianko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Kozlov, D.V.; Mukorez, A.I. Article -1137043824 -1317759955
2016 Regional innovative and investment processes analysis and their impact on food-industry wine-producing enterprises development in Odessa region Bondarenko, S.А.; Nizyayeva, V.R. Article 52567750 73201605
2020 The Role of Knowledge Management for Industrial Safety Compliance Pi, Shih-Ming; Al-Zu’bi, Ghassan Article 626770440 234854251
2017 Structural assessment of market capacity: client-oriented conception Mentel, G.; Peresadko, G. Article -548448511 1596135923
2016 Territorial and industry analysis of the fulfillment of Zaporizhian regional projects Gudz, P.V. Article -742362566 869034818
2016 The transformation of the structure of industry in Ukraine (2001-2013) Kornus, Anatolii Oleksandrovych Article -233023019 1662982491
2017 The Ukrainian chemical industry needs to change its strategic model Shevtsova, G.Z. Conference Papers 6337580 3987941
2017 Theoretical and methodological approaches to competitive stability of engineering companies Bozhkova, Viktoriia Viktorivna; Nosonova, Liubov Viacheslavivna Conference Papers 420210710 369360777
2023 University-company collaboration: what are the obstacles in Algeria? Nahla, N. Article 11359 45681
2021 The world market of logistics services: modern tendencies and features of development Savchenko, D.V. Masters thesis 150864337 -1184591790
2014 Альтернатива дисульфіду молібдена Єлісєєва, А.Р. Conference Papers 313488637 176682160
2015 Альтернативні джерела енергії як складова енергетичної незалежності України Kasianenko, Tetiana Viacheslavivna; Макаренко, Є.В. Conference Papers 151480043 141004155