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Showing results 1 to 20 of 316
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Analysis of information asymmetry in innovation system security ensuring Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych Article -747644759 1960044598
2019 Analysis of the United Territorial Communities Strategies in the Context of Sustainable Development Policy Implementation Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Ponomarenko, Oksana Serhiivna; Derbenov, K.O. Article -385856254 -1747762669
2020 Balance Between Risk And Profit In The Context Of Strategic Management: The Case Of Ukrainian Banks Lopa, Liliana Volodymyrivna; Goncharenko, T. Article -1827731527 -187098996
2020 Banking strategic management and business model: bibliometric analysis Kryvych, Yana Mykolaivna; Goncharenko, T. Article 2135469745 1423272919
2018 Basis of intellectual capital management providing innovation development Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna Book chapter 16105 3200
2020 Comparative Analysis of Strategic Planning Based on a Systems Engineering Approach Andrade, H.S.; Loureiro, G. Article 859287410 -693332920
2017 Conceptual principles of development resources security analysis Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Kudrina, O.Yu.; Volodin, D.V. Article -161054186 387698453
2023 The content and essence of the anti-corruption strategy as a tool to combat corruption in Ukraine Odnolko, I.; Sukhonos, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Bilokin, R.; Kobko, V.; Pohoretskyi, M. Article 20574358 19904145
2022 Crisis management in modern enterprises Rasuli, А.К. Bachelous Paper -555837414 1579152656
2010 CRM-стратегія як чинник підвищення ефективності функціонування роздрібного бізнесу комерційного банку Купрієнко, О.В. Conference Papers 413734994 914235329
2021 Digital-маркетинг: основні тенденції та перспективи розвитку Здойма, А.Д. Bachelous Paper -422508775 40789078
2017 Economic risks management in projects of development and environmental & economic security Baldzhy, M.D. Article -1111690736 2141055607
2020 Green production and green competitiveness: linking between categories Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Kostornova, S. Conference Papers -318801417 1870073011
2020 Incorporation of Environmental Factors in the Developing Energy-Saving Strategies Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna Book chapter 28346455 87806816
2016 Innovation priorities optimization in the context of national technological security ensuring Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych Article -340401587 -367642410
2019 Innovative Development of Ukraine: Strategies, Models, Mechanisms Ivanova, O.M.; Ivanova, V.V. Article 1924373262 -34748210
2020 International business strategies of construction companies Chernysh, D.D. Masters thesis 2034411634 -291016829
2017 Lenovo's Global Competition Strategy: the Driving Forces of Leadership Sabadash, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Marchenko, T.V. Article 356017397 -445530151
2014 Manipulation strategy and tactics of blurbs Chulanova, Halyna Valeriivna Article 1768492047 614143828
2020 Marketing and management strategies for enhancing green competitiveness Khanlarov, E.; Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych Conference Papers 936134596 -435366219