Browsing by Keywords business processes

Showing results 1 to 20 of 45
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Access and Resource Allocation in The Global Economy: Challenges of Post-Industrial Society Sabadash, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Karintseva, Oleksandra Ivanivna; Kharchenko, Mykola Oleksiiovych; Sabadash, V. Conference Papers 574682602 2132430845
2024 Analysis of the company’s business model as a foundation for the successful digital transformation and sustainable development Zavrazhnyi, Kostiantyn Yuriiovych; Kulyk, Anzhelika Kostiantynivna Article 1943 1922
2021 Analysis of the impact of online payments on the security of business digitalization Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna; Kalchenko, I. Conference Papers 813934508 -960119175
2020 Change Managеment Hrytsenko, Pavlo Valeriiovych; Kovalenko, Yevhen Volodymyrovych Learning Object 1927201634 -628848343
2023 CRM-система як інструмент підвищення ефективності бізнесу Харченко, Г.Є. Bachelous Paper 1030788 5437377
2019 Economic Mechanism for Managing the Communication Business Processes of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Globalization Zavrazhnyi, Kostiantyn Yuriiovych Article 221008674 44320085
2024 Improvement of the management system in the SUCHASNY KVARTAL enterprise Savonenko, A.S. Bachelous Paper 0 0
2020 Influence of business processes on regional infrastructure Pavlenko, Olena Oleksiivna; Maksymenko, I.; Shkulipa, O. Conference Papers 1750154 2911005
2019 Information Management: the Key Driver of the Economic System’s Development Bacho, R.; Pukala, R.; Hlibko, S.; Vnukova, N.; Pola, P. Article -1389416250 -447201476
2020 Innovative Activities within Ukrainian Insurance Companies Starostina, A.; Pikus, R.; Kravchenko, V. Article 1473796219 -1707453662
2023 Logistics management of business processes of international companies Zubrov, S.M. Masters thesis 930 611
2023 Management of business processes of international companies on the principles of efficient use of energy resources Zmiievskyi, S.V. Masters thesis 109 203
2017 Managing the development of innovation business processes with automated information systems Voynarenko, M.P.; Dzhuliy, L.V.; Kuzmina, O.M.; Yanchuk, T.V. Article 1722394784 -1464993680
2023 Managing the re-engineering of procurement business processes of international companies Molchanov, O.V. Masters thesis 948 951
2016 Model of business process of management engineering company "Automation Group" Aleksenko, Olha Vasylivna; Luhova, А.; Suprun, V. Conference Papers 1131273118 -411763138
2010 Operation risk management of the bank Bashlai, S.; Podoliaka, O. Conference Papers 82429324 57366140
2018 Outsourcing of communicative business processes of industrial enterprises on the way of the outstripping developmen Illiashenko, Nataliia Serhiivna; Shypulina, Yuliia Serhiivna; Bozhkova, Viktoriia Viktorivna Article 1745902222 -428591504
2019 Аналіз та моделювання діяльності центру зайнятості Попелуха, В.П. Masters thesis 4 0
2020 Аутсорсинг та консалтинг як інструменти оптимізації обліку та аналізу на підприємстві. Ярошина, А.П. Masters thesis 1271974968 -1933678261
2018 Впровадження проектно-орієнтованого підходу до управління промисловими підприємствами (на прикладі ТОВ «ВП "ПОЛІСАН") Старченко, Ю.Г. Masters thesis 5 1