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Showing results 1 to 10 of 127
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Тенденції маркетингових досліджень: онлайн панелі та онлайн спільноти Окландер, М.А.; Окландер, Т.О.; Яшкіна, О.І. Article 1092963321 -1681216879
2018 Evaluating the development of SMART communities: a public value perspective Sadiqi, J. Article -1437625050 581324891
2018 Antecedents & perspectives of ambidextrous leadership Kraft, M.H.G. Article -548156187 -1301669441
2018 A virtual power plant as a cooperation network Ropuszynska-Surma, E.; Weglarz, M. Article -509818321 -1256104183
2018 Innovations in the risk management of the business activity of economic agents Berzin, P.; Shishkina, O.; Kuzmenko, Olha Vitaliivna; Yarovenko, Hanna Mykolaivna Article 1215847801 -1895690575
2018 Management and motivation of human resources in case of a Slovak multinational corporation Machova, R.; Kosar, S.T.; Hevesi, A. Article -1732902901 -1220055194
2018 Neurological aspects of finance, transmitters, emotions, mirror neuronal activity in financial decision Njegovanovic, A. Article 912669361 -1015396786
2018 Innovative approach to the management of credit risk Budinsky, P.; Bezvoda, M. Article 1442202 2686410
2018 Innovations in country's social development level estimation Kyrychenko, Kostiantyn Ivanovych; Samusevych, Yaryna Valentynivna; Liulova, Liliia Yuriivna; Bagmet, K. Article 1735108583 1250027920
2018 The fifth global Kondratiev: low economic performance, instability and monopolization in the digital age Rivera Rios, M.A.; Lopez, J.B.L.; Veiga, J.G. Article -1425411260 1908810262