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Showing results 1 to 10 of 41
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Strategic Transformation and Innovation towards Blue Ocean Creation in a Changing Corporate Reality Karaoulanis, A. Article 1978600238 -798869211
2018 Leadership Styles as a Challenge to Generate Innovation Environments in the Companies of the 21st Century Vargas-Hernandez, J.G.; Rodriguez, C.R.F. Article -6320946 -130085569
2018 Can We Act Ethically? Implications of Determinism, Chaos Theory and Unintended Consequences Tsalikis, J. Article 302069199 -279869781
2018 The ISO 9001 International Standards in a System of the Banking Services Quality Management Demkiv, Yu.M. Article -1390463556 -677321242
2018 Entrepreneurship Practice: As a Means of Poverty Reduction in Southwestern Nigeria Popoola, M.A.; Brimah, A.N.; Gbadeyan, R.A. Article 2031322910 1626862023
2018 The Examination of the Appearance of CSR in On-line Scientific Databases Kiss, L.B. Article -262390860 -1524819362
2018 Towards the assurance of transparency and quality of higher education in Ukraine: National Qualification Framework Skliar, I. Article -2124421419 -1762993839
2018 Volkswagen Emission Scandal and Corporate Social Responsibility – A Case Study Mačaitytė, I.; Virbašiūtė, G. Article -894302276 2005493881
2018 A Review of the Factors behind Academic Integrity Violations: Comparing the United States and Ukraine Kennet, A.; Shkodkina, Yuliia Mykhailivna Article -1984707519 -305626052
2018 The Essence of Ethical Leadership and Its Influence in Achieving Employees’ Job Satisfaction Ahmed, M.N. Article -1991402120 -1028333401