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Showing results 1 to 10 of 20
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 Digitalization of Economy and Education: Path to Business Leadership and National Security Novikov, V.V. Article 986119609 924432944
2021 The Impact of Leadership on the Motivation of Hotel Employee During the Pandemic Era: Evidence from Greece Ypapanti, A.; Constantoglou, M. Article 1625836937 -2105056123
2021 A Model for Understanding and Changing the Practice of Leadership in Ukraine Linville, M.; Kliuchnikov, A. Article 606094609 197744186
2022 Network Leadership Theory: A New Research Agenda Shvindina, Hanna Oleksandrivna; Balahurovska, I.; Heiets, I. Article 956033385 -642610111
2020 Information and Communication Technology in Organizational Operations. Ethical and Operational Implications Karaoulanis, A.; Karaoulanis, A.-C. Article -1837920152 -1536678637
2021 Leadership Hiring: Does the Promotional Practice and Selection in Public Service Result in Placing Highly Skilled Experts in Our Communities? Brown, D. Article -281518890 -986412676
2021 Leadership in the Research: Determinants of Quality, Standards and Best Practices Dźwigoł, H. Article 1714984635 2042554716
2021 Transformational Educational Leadership and the Innovative Strategies Engaging Online Faculty for the Excellent Teaching Performance in the United States Matos, L.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -312044819 -322251978
2021 A Critical Perspective of Leadership Theories Sivaruban, S. Article -1235804256 144321356
2020 Influence of Leadership Practices on Organizational Safety Performance Sadiq, W.A. Article 969457 1650948