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Showing results 80 to 94 of 94
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Theoretical and Methodical Approaches to the Definition of Marketing Risks Management Concept at Industrial Enterprises Tkachenko, V.; Kwilinski, A.; Tkachenko, I.; Puzyrova, P. Article -2107570611 1846990786
2019 The Innovative Experience of the Republic of Moldova in Reforming the Accounting System and Its Harmonization with IFRS and Europeans Directives Grigoroi, L.; Muntean, N. Article 724674851 871100033
2018 Public-private partnership as the innovative instrument of effective management of Belarusian agro-industrial complex Tsetsiatynets, T.; Chizh, D. Article 87407846 97388062
2018 The effect of job characteristics on employee loyalty: the mediation role of vertical trust and perceived supervisor support Lewicka, D.; Glinska-Newes, A.; Morrow, D.L.; Gorka, J. Article -783938197 -507515038
2019 Innovative Approaches to Evaluation of Concentration of the Banking System as a Basis of Improving the State Crisis Management Vasiljeva, T.; Stadnyk, A. Article 213883135 238539828
2018 Work safety management - social and educational context Piatek, T. Article 69008988 55903045
2019 Economic Mechanism for Managing the Communication Business Processes of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Globalization Zavrazhnyi, Kostiantyn Yuriiovych Article 21075200 44320083
2020 Характеристика оптимізованої моделі медичної допомоги населенню з хворобами крові та кровотворних органів на регіональному рівні Горох, В.B. Article 28948 29886
2020 Managing the Energy-Efficient Development of the University: Restraints and Ways to Overcome Them Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Sotnyk, Mykola Ivanovych; Olondar, A.A.; Pidopryhora, N.M.; Maslii, M.Yu. Article 895365077 -1994974268
2020 Innovations in Management of Fiscal Equalisation: Decentralization Reform Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Ventsel, V.; Garbuz, V.; Kolomiiets, U.; Duranowski, W. Article 696548158 1474025104
2020 Теоретичні аспекти контролінгу в системі управління підприємством Onishchenko, Marharyta Leonidivna; Dutchenko, Olena Olehivna; Котюк, Р.В. Article 2030066831 1122241410
2020 Business Model Management of Low-Cost: in a Search for Impact-Factors of Performance (Case of AirAsia Group Airlines) Wu, Chen-Yuh; Heiets, I.; Shvindina, Hanna Oleksandrivna Article -1845884204 -957906465
2018 Management of renewable energy innovative development in Ukrainian households: problems of financial support Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Shvets, I.; Momotiuk, L.; Chortok, Y. Article -1872159376 878291646
2017 Реформування ринку землі: аналіз тенденцій на Україні та європейський досвід Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Івахненко, О.М. Article 21721277 32488610