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Showing results 1 to 20 of 103
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 University Brand as a Key Factor of Graduates Employment Blanco, M.; Bares, L.; Hrynevych, O. Article 1210171589 463187206
2019 Передумови розвитку нафтовидобувної галузі національної економіки Млаабдал, Сааді Махмуд Абаас Article 2105149347 -411370202
2019 Marketing and Management of Credit Portfolio of a Commercial Bank: Data of Economic and Statistical Analysis of Basic Parameters of Credit Tykhenko, Volodymyr Serhiiovych; Andros, S.; Novak-Kalyayeva, L. Article -179990362 -1008058790
2019 Інноваційні методи просування підприємств роздрібної торгівлі Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna; Лазоренко, В.Є. Article 463136111 396947679
2019 Розвиток моделей оцінки ефективності інвестицій в інноваційні проекти (Частина 2) Zaitsev, Oleksandr Vasylovych Article 479518 210522
2019 Efficiency Modeling of Solar Cells Based on the n-Zn1-xMgxO / p-SnS Heterojunction Diachenko, Oleksii Viktorovych; Diachenko, Oleksii Viktorovych; Dobrozhan, Oleksandr Anatoliiovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Kurbatov, Denys Ihorovych; Hrynenko, Vitalii Viktorovych; Plotnikov, S.V. Article -528802383 1302062941
2019 Marketing tools for improving enterprise performance in the context of social and economic security of the state: innovative approaches to assessment Kwilinski, A.; Pajak, K.; Halachenko, O.; Vasylchak, S.; Pushak, Ya.; Kuzior, P. Article -176085126 2119057084
2019 Efficiency of management of loan funds in the banking industry of Ukraine: data of the factor analysis of credit turnover Andros, S.; Melnyk, L.; Butenko, N.; Zaikina, H.; Tykhenko, Volodymyr Serhiiovych Article 815001190 380662857
2019 Max Weber’s Bureaucracy and Job Performance in Bayelsa State Civil Service, Nigeria (from 1999-2018) Makbere, U.J. Article 434918952 -598895750
2019 До питання класифікації критеріїв оцінювання ефективності правоохоронних органів, які забезпечують фінансово-економічну безпеку держави Andriichenko, Nadiia Serhiivna Article -2014383913 1760468586
2019 Investments in Renewable Energy for Smart Grid Technology Development Kubatko, Oleksandra Viktorivna; Tolok, T.S.; Edafejimue, H.O.; Almashaqbeh, I.Y.A. Article -164300831 -849223127
2019 Implications of Effective Conflict Management on Organizational Performance: Case Study of Nigerian Bottling Company PLC Adewole, Adeyinka Joseph; Ogunyemi, Kayode Joseph; Otapo, Toyin W. Article -380156055 -1782472112
2019 HR Management in the Digital Age: the Main Trends Assessment and Stakeholders Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Karintseva, Oleksandra Ivanivna; Kozlova, D.D.; Kovaleva, A.V. Article -1204505342 410693940
2019 Fundamentals of a National Standardization System as a Means Confirming the Quality and Innovation of Products: Experience of International Organizations in Ukraine and Canada Derevyanko, B.V.; Rieznik, Oleh Mykolaiovych; Shlapko, Tetiana Viktorivna; Popovych, T.G. Article -1111201154 -1134230049
2019 Theoretical and Methodical Approaches to the Definition of Marketing Risks Management Concept at Industrial Enterprises Tkachenko, V.; Kwilinski, A.; Tkachenko, I.; Puzyrova, P. Article -743511471 -1559455158
2019 Effectiveness of Government Regulation of the Banking Sector: Assessment and Rating of Banks Kryshtal, H.O. Article 20115749 6060646
2019 Transport Economics and Sustainable Development in Ukraine Hens, L.; Melnyk, Leonid Hryhorovych; Matsenko, Oleksandr Mykhailovych; Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Gonzales, C.C. Article 562046213 -314499504
2018 Как оценить качество работы предприятия Ковалев, А.И. Article -704853146 1511494678
2018 Analysis of the Theories for Assessment of the Quality Management Product Efficiency Zaloha, Viliam Oleksandrovych; Yashyna, Tetiana Viktorivna; Dynnyk, Oksana Dmytrivna Article 1692758181 1250159521
2018 Preferences for job life qualyty and motivation in healthcare Aslan, I.; Morsunbul, D. Article -227882851 -596859016