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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Does the efficiency of working capital management and environmental, social, and governance performance affect a firm’s value? Evidence from the United States Habib, A.M. Article -457895720 1094916381
2022 Governance Transparency of Tax Revenue Performance in West Africa Salman, R.T.; Sanni, P.; Olaniyi, T.A.; Yahaya, K.A. Article -882482989 -1355309359
2021 Personnel management features of medical institutions Pavlenko, Olena Oleksiivna; Sukalenko, V.; Shkulipa, O.; Sharm, M. Article -532820030 -517898142
2021 Motivational Factors in Organisational Change Biewendt, M. Article -2109109333 -1758962766
2021 Vaccination Management Process and Challenges: Case of Bangladesh Ahmed, K.M.F. Article -1309029863 -30154061
2021 Motivation management model and practical realization within the health care institutions Myroshnychenko, Yuliia Oleksandrivna; Mamay, A.; Dzwigol., H. Article 1577666332 -192530963
2020 Analysis of Factors Influencing Adoption of Human Resource Practices by Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria Rabiu, R.O.; Olanipekun, W.D.; Bamidele, A.G.; Awe, O.I. Article -877792800 -784746386
2020 Managing the Energy-Efficient Development of the University: Restraints and Ways to Overcome Them Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Sotnyk, Mykola Ivanovych; Olondar, A.A.; Pidopryhora, N.M.; Maslii, M.Yu. Article -458458340 1841534692
2020 Digitalization in Realization of Ecological and Economic Principles of Managing Sustainable Development of Agrarian Enterprises Zos-Kior, М.V.; Ilin, V.Y.; Kyryliuk, I.M.; Solod, O.V. Article 1561331714 -108796396
2020 The Observational Research Study with the Trends in Healthcare Training and Leadership Ethics in The United States Probst, D.T.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -1146184637 -606669140
2019 Фінансова система як об’єкт управління фонду державного майна України Myrhorod-Karpova, Valeriia Valeriivna; Шрамко, І.П. Article 1041639883 -1799300851
2019 Correlational Study: Internal Auditing and Management Control Environment Innovation within Public Sector in the United States Kasztelnik, K.; Gaines, V.W. Article 1387645069 -562509474
2019 Management of Digital Information Technologies in Digital Economy Ivanova, V.V. Article 1330254382 1932694660
2019 The Impact of Socio-economic Factors on the Management of Agro-cooperatives in Local Communities Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Ponomarenko, Oksana Serhiivna; Bohmova, L.; Bykhovets, O.V.; Kotiuk, L.V. Article 17352583 7624335
2018 Management and motivation of human resources in case of a Slovak multinational corporation Machova, R.; Kosar, S.T.; Hevesi, A. Article -1732902901 -1220055194
2018 Risk and cost of sovereign debt in the member states of the European Union as a factor of their economy development Pulay, G.Z. Article 836001969 842742926
2018 Випереджальний аналіз факторів ризику розвитку промислових підприємств Шандова, Н.В. Article 634728391 -1831217270
2018 Strategic Human Resource Practices and its Impact on Performance towards Achieving Organizational Goals Khan, Y. Article -269165177 1879610987
2018 Мотивація та стимулювання персоналу в ефективному управлінні підприємством та підвищенні інноваційної діяльності Климчук, А.О.; Михайлов, А.М. Article -52329349 945063873
2018 Legal prerequisites of the management of natural resources of the Moon and other celestial bodies Nyka, M. Article -1151384931 -643612897