Східноукраїнський медичний журнал [314]

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Showing results 121 to 140 of 314
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Peculiarities of online calculators usage during distance learning at Sumy State University among 5th year students of medical institute Chernatska, Olha Mykolaivna; Adeleke, O.D.; Opolonska, Nataliia Oleksiivna Article 3555259 1351058
2022 Peculiarities of Poltava State Medical University students stress resistance Gancho, O.V.; Fedorchenko, V.I.; Tkachenko, O.V.; Bubli, T.D.; Moshel, T.M.; Bobrova, N.O. Article 305312 388964
2022 Peculiarities of the course, diagnosis, and treatment of multiple sclerosis Potapov, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych; Kmyta, Oleksii Petrovych; Tsyndrenko, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych; Makeyenko, I.R.; Sumtsova, K.O.; Nikolaenko, Y.R. Article 347765 226715
2019 Peculiarities of treatment of patients with tumors of cervical spinal nerves with paravertebral spread Potapov, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych; Derkach, Yu.V.; Slynko, Ye.I. Article 52934234 15752591
2021 Perinatal and hereditary risk factors of heart rate and conduction disorders in children with gastroesophageal refl Herasymova, O.M.; Savvo, V.M. Article 803804 2034057
2023 Personal component of graphomotor skills of children aged 5–8 years Demenko, Maryna Mykolaivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Biesiedina, Antonina Anatoliivna; Levchenko, Zoia Mykhailivna Article 10521 17780
2024 Potential risks of sleep disorders in children of the Kharkiv oblast during the military conflict: survey results Riga, О.; Onikiienko, O.; Sych, D.; Tkachenko, O.; Tsymbal, V.; Sanina, I. Article 107 41
2021 The present conception of neonatal microbiome formation Popov, Serhii Vitaliiovych; Smiian, Oleksandr Ivanovych; Profatylo, Anastasiia Oleksandrivna Article 280275066 1883636500
2024 Prevention of ovarian, fallopian tube, and peritoneal serous cancers (literature review) Sumtsov, Dmytro Heorhiiovych Article 25 2
2023 Primary fallopian tube cancer: a literature review Sumtsov, Dmytro Heorhiiovych Article 688 420
2024 Prognosis of limb muscular structural disorders after tourniquet application based on the changes in lipid peroxidation indicators using neural network clustering Selskyy, P.; Televiak, A.; Lutsyk, V.; Franchuk, V.; Sverstiuk, A.; Voloshyn, V.; Furdela, M. Article 0 0
2023 The prognostic significance of salivary pepsin level in the development of recurrent respiratory pathology in infants with rumination syndrome Ilchenko, S.; Mozheiko, T.; Fialkovska, A. Article 433 226
2020 Proteolytic system condition as in the case of neutrophil elastase in patients with trophic ulcers on the background of diabetes mellitus Nikolaienko, Andrii Serhiiovych Article 1256027 562265
2024 PvuII (rs2234693) polymorphism of the estrogen receptor alpha gene in women from Sumy oblast, Ukraine, with endometrial hyperplastic process Tsyndrenko, Nataliia Leonidivna; Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych Article 349 37
2020 PvuII polymorphism in the estrogen receptor αlpha gene as an indicator for surgical treatment in patients with benign mammary dysplasia Lukavenko, Ivan Mykhailovych Article 195801812 201019794
2019 Quality of life improvement in middle-aged people with type 2 diabetes by means of physical therapy Sytnyk, Olha Andriivna; Melekhovets, Oksana Kostiantynivna; Yezhova, Olha Oleksandrivna; Voropаiev, Dmytro Serhiiovych; Abramova, Svitlana Frantsivna; Попович, В.Д.; Стеценко, М.; Осадчий, А. Article 967909867 -1990615900
2024 Rare case of Meckel's diverticulum strangulation complicated by small intestine obstruction (clinical case) Kravets, Oleksandr Valeriiovych; Svistunov, O.; Moskalenko, Roman Andriiovych Article 44 30
2021 A rare foreign body in the chest under COVID-19 epidemic conditions Duzhyi, Ihor Dmytrovych; Holubnychyi, Stanislav Oleksandrovych; Miroshnichenko, Y.I.; Yasnikovskyi, Oleh Mykhailovych; Hresko, Ihor Yaremovych; Pak, S.Ya. Article 63640950 128896694
2023 Reasons for the development of inflammatory complications in intrauterine device carriers Sukhariev, Anatolii Borysovych; Kopytsia, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Boiko, Volodymyr Ivanovych Article 151885 67083
2021 A rehabilitation effect of water with low surface tension on the functional condition of the kidneys Zaliavska, O.V.; Antoniv, A.A.; Kaushanska, O.V.; Pavlyukovich, N.D.; Nika, O.M. Article 527227332 190587374