Browsing by Keywords управління людськими ресурсами

Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Analysis of Factors Determining the Implementation of Talent Management Coculova, J.; Svetozarovova, N.; Bertova, D. Article -831962433 415503637
2022 Analysis of the HR management system of a state enterprise (case study of the 1st State Fire and Rescue Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Sumy Region) Kursenko, A. Bachelous Paper 218868391 154899542
2021 Challenges and Priorities in Talent Management During the Global Pandemic Caused by COVID–19 Tomcikova, L.; Svetozarovova, N.; Coculova, J. Article -688192151 88139519
2023 Competences of Managers and Executives across Economic Sectors Kmecova, I.; Juracka, D. Article 364 175
2020 Data Usage in Talent Management – Challenges for SMEs in the Field of Skilled Crafts Thomas, G. Article -757865839 406171205
2020 Digitalization for Human Resource Management Rachida, A. Article -2065748744 -668955552
2022 Empowering human resources to achieve the strategic goals of business companies Hazem, F.; Sharif, F. Article 1482481 2134819
2024 Hospitality 2.0: Decoding the Role of E-HRM in Innovation and Sustainability Parveen, M.; Alraddadi, A.A.N. Article 11996481 11749770
2017 HR-менеджмент як чинник туристичного бізнесу Загребельний, І.С. Conference Papers 316670910 175752607
2020 Innovations in HR Management: a Content Analysis Approach Elmortada, A.; Mokhlis, C.-E.; Mokhlis, A.; Elfezazi, S. Article 1152434910 842609289
2021 Innovations in Human Resource Management: Willingness and Ability of Long-Term Care Insurance Yin, H.; Huo, Zh.; Klietsova, N.; Li, Z.; Zhang, Y. Article -837602523 1449471704
2020 Innovations in Human Resources Management: Instruments to Eliminate Mobbing Vveinhardt, J.; Sroka, W. Article 428821850 742913167
2021 Innovative Human Resource Management practices for the Talent Management Implementation Coculova, J.; Tomcikova, L. Article 1961355312 -411062616
2023 Motivational factor in the personnel management system at modern production enterprises Medvedieva, M.M. Bachelous Paper 579401416 -1391084873
2020 Performance Incentives To Increase Motivation; Potentials Of Meaningful Activities In Project Management Zwerenz, D. Article 45657845 571091808
2023 A Qualitative Analysis of Organisational Commitment in an Algerian Pharmaceutical Industry Houfaf Khoufaf, A.; Nouiri, A. Article 1221301899 299483872
2020 The Role of Organizational Culture in Job Satisfaction and Turnover: A Study of Pakistani Employees Abbas, A.; Khan, R.; Ishaq, F.; Mehmood, K. Article 564526464 681771031
2016 The qualitative indicators in human resource accounting Zamecnik, R. Article -1887538813 -440203130
2020 A Theoretical Study On Factors Influencing Employees Performance, Rewards And Motivation Within Organisation Mamun, M.Z.A.; Khan, M.Y.H. Article 2097236086 -2114719455
2017 Актуальні питання управління людськими ресурсами в сучасному менеджменті Tolbatov, Volodymyr Aronovych; Tolbatov, Andrii Volodymyrovych; В'юненко, О.Б.; Колеганова, А.А. Conference Papers 26829287 37936475