Browsing by Keywords управління людськими ресурсами

Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Analysis of Factors Determining the Implementation of Talent Management Coculova, J.; Svetozarovova, N.; Bertova, D. Article 252582276 1790488476
2022 Analysis of the HR management system of a state enterprise (case study of the 1st State Fire and Rescue Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Sumy Region) Kursenko, A. Bachelous Paper -1418416219 1462790679
2021 Challenges and Priorities in Talent Management During the Global Pandemic Caused by COVID–19 Tomcikova, L.; Svetozarovova, N.; Coculova, J. Article -2064095228 759286866
2023 Competences of Managers and Executives across Economic Sectors Kmecova, I.; Juracka, D. Article 182 175
2020 Data Usage in Talent Management – Challenges for SMEs in the Field of Skilled Crafts Thomas, G. Article -1881884820 -449735142
2020 Digitalization for Human Resource Management Rachida, A. Article -1696809252 -421210914
2022 Empowering human resources to achieve the strategic goals of business companies Hazem, F.; Sharif, F. Article 1335941 2134818
2024 Hospitality 2.0: Decoding the Role of E-HRM in Innovation and Sustainability Parveen, M.; Alraddadi, A.A.N. Article 976077 667708
2017 HR-менеджмент як чинник туристичного бізнесу Загребельний, І.С. Conference Papers 112677357 69901452
2020 Innovations in HR Management: a Content Analysis Approach Elmortada, A.; Mokhlis, C.-E.; Mokhlis, A.; Elfezazi, S. Article -1438250959 1562861506
2021 Innovations in Human Resource Management: Willingness and Ability of Long-Term Care Insurance Yin, H.; Huo, Zh.; Klietsova, N.; Li, Z.; Zhang, Y. Article 265951132 -607269431
2020 Innovations in Human Resources Management: Instruments to Eliminate Mobbing Vveinhardt, J.; Sroka, W. Article 811711065 2049299532
2021 Innovative Human Resource Management practices for the Talent Management Implementation Coculova, J.; Tomcikova, L. Article 630877864 -380206374
2023 Motivational factor in the personnel management system at modern production enterprises Medvedieva, M.M. Bachelous Paper 815691589 874543854
2020 Performance Incentives To Increase Motivation; Potentials Of Meaningful Activities In Project Management Zwerenz, D. Article 699206781 1373145280
2023 A Qualitative Analysis of Organisational Commitment in an Algerian Pharmaceutical Industry Houfaf Khoufaf, A.; Nouiri, A. Article -1894389480 -2101093948
2020 The Role of Organizational Culture in Job Satisfaction and Turnover: A Study of Pakistani Employees Abbas, A.; Khan, R.; Ishaq, F.; Mehmood, K. Article -1867001684 958219582
2016 The qualitative indicators in human resource accounting Zamecnik, R. Article -943769407 -595277695
2020 A Theoretical Study On Factors Influencing Employees Performance, Rewards And Motivation Within Organisation Mamun, M.Z.A.; Khan, M.Y.H. Article -1533361653 2126444469
2017 Актуальні питання управління людськими ресурсами в сучасному менеджменті Tolbatov, Volodymyr Aronovych; Tolbatov, Andrii Volodymyrovych; В'юненко, О.Б.; Колеганова, А.А. Conference Papers 26829286 12176530