Browsing by Keywords cooperation

Showing results 1 to 20 of 64
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 Contractual delegation of sovereignty in supranational entities Zavalna, Zh.V.; Starynskyi, Mykola Volodymyrovych Article 63 46
2022 Current directions of cooperation between Ukraine and EU countries in the field of healthcare Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Korsakiene, R.; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Rubanenko, K. Article 280017486 289897341
2022 Development of the methods of commercialization of innovation in Ukraine Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna; Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna Article 671042285 652861995
2011 Ecological conflicts and the paradigm of sustainable development Sabadash, Viktor Volodymyrovych Article -1640209034 -1025054651
2020 Economic prospects for cooperation the European Union and Ukraine in the use of blockchain technologies Бабенко, В.О.; Matsenko, Oleksandr Mykhailovych; Voronenko, Viacheslav Ihorovych; Ніколаєв, С.О.; Казак, Д.В. Article -1599387240 -412838159
2013 Foresight for optimization of international innovation and technological cooperation Lapshyn, Viktor Vasylovych; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Vernydub, Nataliia Oleksiivna Conference Papers -968568179 53414884
2021 Formation of Mutual Relations Between Enterprises and Business Partners in the Process of Preparation and Production of New Products Iastremska, O.; Strokovych, H.; Iastremska, O.; Kalantaridis, C.; Nagy, S.; Somosi Veresne, M. Article 278380643 508958355
2023 Geostrategic priorities of Ukraine`s international trade Zaika, K. Bachelous Paper 22690 20028
2024 Improving international business efficiency with digital technologies Pakhnenko, Olena Mykhailivna; Zhang, Kuan Article 0 0
2023 Influence of Benevolence and Credibility on Conduct of Integrative Negotiation Behaviours Rahmoune, M.; Alsagaf, M.; Abdeltawab, A.M.; Azhari, A.; Hofaidhllaoui, M. Article 83137 174574
2013 Interstate cooperation as the basis of environmental security of neighboring regions Bezuglaya, E.; Kovarda, V.; Drantusov, A. Conference Papers 13942757 28210678
2015 Konstantin Maţievici omul de știință şi diplomatul ucrainian Vlasenko, Valerii Mykolaiovych; Гузун, Вадим; Гузун, Вадим; Guzun, Vadym Article 1908677928 746356728
2017 Methodological principles for establishment of consulting cooperation organizational and economic mechanism Yevtushenko, N.A. Article -1341124840 -992350182
2012 Sustainable investments as one of the directions of state and private sector cooperation Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Vysochyna, Alina Volodymyrivna Article 150834284 -1258131353
2020 Teaching Ukrainian folk dumas at university: analysis in context of intercultural communication Nabok, Maryna Mykolaivna Article 1425165963 -1001446941
2019 The Formation and Development of Tourist Clusters: Case of Poland and Armenia Sahakyan, M.; Suvaryan, A.; Borkowska-Niszczota, M.; Szymanska, E. Article 24313104 30167947
2017 Адаптація екологічного законодавства України до законодавства Європейського Союзу Ориновська, А.С. Conference Papers -375755106 -401875596
2016 Адміністративно-правові аспекти взаємодії державної прикордонної служби України та агенції FRONTEX в умовах євроінтеграції України Ilchenko, Oleksandr Vasylovych Article 485195370 492708833
2011 Актуальні проблеми розвитку малого бізнесу в Україні Васильєва, Д.В. Article -826799629 -469735967
2014 Аналіз перспектив співпраці між банками і страховими компаніями в умовах глобалізації на основі концепції "Вancassurance" Федчун, С.В. Conference Papers 162225203 244296705