Browsing by Keywords мотивация

Showing results 1 to 20 of 294
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Creating motivation for employees through KPIS system Kobushko, Ihor Mykolaiovych; Kobushko, Yana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 767069582 -1754927697
2020 Developing undergraduate students’ motivation for study through distance learning Liashenko, Iryna Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 516889742 149603255
2020 Digitalisierung im Fremdsprachenunterricht Yermolenko, Svitlana Vasylivna; Shcherbonos, Y.A. Article -475992696 -1532020981
2019 HR Management in the Digital Age: the Main Trends Assessment and Stakeholders Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Karintseva, Oleksandra Ivanivna; Kozlova, D.D.; Kovaleva, A.V. Article -1204505342 410693940
2021 HR-менеджмент в приватних закладах охорони здоров’я (на прикладі ТОВ «ВЕРБА МЕДІКАЛ») Логвинюк, Г.О. Masters thesis 1273885469 -2117495702
2021 The Impact of Leadership on the Motivation of Hotel Employee During the Pandemic Era: Evidence from Greece Ypapanti, A.; Constantoglou, M. Article -1043448561 433316967
2020 The Impact of Motivation on Work Efficiency for Both Employers and Employees also During COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study from Armenia Tovmasyan, G.; Minasyan, D. Article -1603987428 950882831
2018 Improvement of personnel motivation at the enterprise Odewole, Oluwatobi O. Bachelous Paper 5 0
2022 Improving the system of staff motivation at an industrial enterprise (case study of LLC «Motordetal-Konotop») Dubovych, R.K. Bachelous Paper 1269751764 -925457901
2017 Insights into Formative Assessment in ELT Khodtseva, Alla Oleksandrivna Conference Papers -823136618 1129360132
2014 KPI как универсальный мотиватор эффективной работы персонала Графодатская, А.С.; Поникаров, В.А. Conference Papers 492688185 579752619
2019 The lack of motivation in ukrainian educational establishments Perekhod, E. Conference Papers 27408759 58451988
2016 Linguo-Cognitive Parameters of Barack Obama’s Nicknames Yehorova, Olesia Ivanivna; Koval, T.Yu. Article 1117635879 -1393451001
2018 Management and motivation of human resources in case of a Slovak multinational corporation Machova, R.; Kosar, S.T.; Hevesi, A. Article -1732902900 -1220055194
2018 Management of the Motivation of the Human Potential of a Company (case study of Coca-Cola Co.) Mabel, A.A. Bachelous Paper 12 1
2016 Market segmentation and eliciting tourists’ motives for visiting the Czech Republic Valentova, J.; Abrham, J. Article 185660988 108371318
2019 Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Organizations: A Study of University of Africa and Market Square Company, Bayelsa State Sapele, F.F.; Idoniboye-Obu, S.A. Article -1748803674 -996789090
2022 Motivation as a Determinant of the Personnel Management System in Medical Institutions Kravchenko, Olena Volodymyrivna; Kaminska, B.; Boiko, Volodymyr Ivanovych Article -1438124079 1293048673
2015 Motivation as factor of sports selfrealization Piesotskyi, Serhii Mykolaiovych Conference Papers 2117101429 -102924845
2022 Motivation of staff as a factor in improving the efficiency of management system (as case as LLC "Company Style") Krol, Z.A. Bachelous Paper -1261746617 -1430982669