Browsing by Keywords инновационная деятельность

Showing results 1 to 20 of 290
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Activities to enhance innovation: innovation strategy woodworking company Denysenko, M.P; Deulina, K.S Article 1911047504 1520962053
2016 Analysis of the innovative activity at the ukrainian machine-building enterprises Bodenchyuk L.B., Article 15559110 -485133869
2017 Analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to marketing testing of product innovations Nahornyi, Yevhen Ihorovych Article 1577641278 442419525
2017 Assessment of innovative activity of Kazakhstan healthcare organizations Shevyakova, A.; Sharip, B. Article 1328815122 1279988828
2021 Assessment of the development of innovation activities in the regions: Case of Ukraine Hrytsenko, Pavlo Valeriiovych; Voronenko, Viacheslav Ihorovych; Kovalenko, Yevhen Volodymyrovych; Kurman, T.; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych Article 62848521 427686726
2017 Competitiveness and innovation performance of regions in Slovak republic Ivanova, E.; Kordos, M. Article -1528986204 224044305
2018 Current state and prospects for the development of innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Ukraine and the world Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna; Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna; Gryshova, I. Book chapter 1750901474 952242047
2018 Efficiency of Innovation Activity Funding as the Driver of the State's National Economic Security Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna; Myroshnychenko, Yuliia Oleksandrivna; Smolennikov, Denys Olehovych; Pokhylko, Svitlana Vasylivna Article 485649207 485849826
2016 Estimation the impact of macroeconomic factors on the innovation activities of enterprises in Ukraine Khaustova, K.M. Article -1430912791 1159219425
2015 Identification of the causes of risks under the conditions of innovative development of oil and gas companies Khvostina, I.M.; Pisak, K.V. Article -966661590 -944512770
2016 Innovative development and factors affecting the innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Bulgaria Sotirova, A.O. Article 319736990 584139366
2019 Intellectual property in the context of innovative activity development Utkina, Maryna Serhiivna Conference Papers -177644820 720518345
2011 Iнновацiї як один iз факторiв формування конкурентоспроможностi країни Kasianenko, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Article -1201384836 -26918583
2017 Marketing audit of innovation activity of enterprises: theoretical and methodical approach Balyk, U.; Kolisnyk, M. Article -1154795220 -1912744075
2018 National Security & Innovation Activities: Methodology, Policy and Practice Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Ossik, Yu.; Zaitsev, Oleksandr Vasylovych Monograph 733688710 600640082
2017 Research of innovation activity influence on return of stocks in industrial enterprises Obidjon, G.; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna Article 308641086 1608860597
2014 Research of the managerial decision-making conditions in the innovative sphere Hryshchenko, Olena Fedorivna; Klisinski, J.S.; Akhrameieva, M.V. Article 1945335985 -1915884200
2019 Staff Management Process Reengineering in the Context of Enhancing Disabled People’s Opportunities to Enterprises Innovative Activities Prodius, O.I. Article 422436130 1157421858
2017 Stakeholder approach to the value-based management of the enterprise innovation activity Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna Article -194004594 1752926844
2017 State and problems of transfer of innovations in land use of agricultural enterprises Kucher, A.; Kucher, L. Article 69234025 31422324