Browsing by Keywords образование

Showing results 1 to 20 of 356
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Approaches to Improving Motivation of Environmentally Oriented Activity in the Consumer Society Boronos, Viktoriia Heorhiivna; Tiutiunyk, Inna Volodymyrivna; Pronikova, Zhanna Serheevna Article -260494320 -1977981858
2021 Challenges facing education during COVID-19 pandemic Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Dahari, Limor Conference Papers 1347608068 -2079571256
2020 Combating Unemployment through Social Entrepreneurship in the European Context Zainea, L.N.; Tomaс, S.G.; Marinescu, P.; Chițimiea, A. Article 1727238528 -1297320668
2020 Developing undergraduate students’ motivation for study through distance learning Liashenko, Iryna Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 43310529 33571944
2021 Digital inclusion of population: economic, social, educational determinants in the COVID-19 era Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Kryklii, Olena Anatoliivna; Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych Monograph 1274314981 1952792586
2021 Digitalization of Economy and Education: Path to Business Leadership and National Security Novikov, V.V. Article -209895806 -808284452
2022 Do environmental protection investments contribute to environmentally-oriented SDGS? Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Rieznyk, O.; Treus, Alla Anatoliivna; Oleksich, Zhanna Anatoliivna; Ovcharova, Nataliia Viktorivna Article -93686576 1741956076
2013 Education - way of environment solution Galimova, R. Conference Papers -1297421172 1581499966
2022 Education and Business in Conditions of Coopetition: Bibliometrics Koibichuk, Vitaliia Vasylivna; Samoilikova, Anastasiia Viktorivna; Herasymenko, V. Article 336016694 328941175
2021 Education and financial inclusion as guarantees of economic growth Didenko, Iryna Viktorivna; Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna Conference Papers 25430 41882
2021 Education and migration: identifying interconnections Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Didenko, Iryna Viktorivna Conference Papers 61126690 55788165
2021 Educational and Financial Inclusion as Key Drivers of Economic Resilience Didenko, Iryna Viktorivna; Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Koibichuk, Vitaliia Vasylivna; Hrytsenko, Kostiantyn Hryhorovych; Kushnerov, Oleksandr Serhiiovych authors certificate -2041132087 965153785
2010 Educational programs for state employees: international cooperation experience Kyrychenko, Kostiantyn Ivanovych; Chernyshenko, S.V. Article -1358796038 1513153905
2021 The Effects Of Education On Alabama’s Violent Crime Rate Fast, R. Article 63502865 23657619
2018 Entrepreneurial Orientation and Knowledge Creation and Their Impact on Company Performance Vidic, F. Article -350849615 1532464323
2017 General international and national acts on education, socialization, ethics, conscience and mind Derevianko, Bohdan Volodymyrovych; Счастливцева, Р.В. Article -538683105 1285411059
2020 A Hidden Danger to Our Children’s Classrooms within Educational Leadership & Peering Practices Miller, A.D. Article -143866002 -1249913966
2021 Human Capital Quality Assurance under the Conditions of Digital Business Transformation and COVID-19 Impact Antoniuk, Nataliia Anatoliivna; Plikus, Iryna Yosypivna; Jammal, M. Article 408398075 -552393035
2020 The impact of state regulation in a sphere of education on sustainable development of national economy. Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Shvindina, Hanna Oleksandrivna; Mayboroda, Tetyana; Mishenina, Halyna Anatoliivna; Геєць, І.О. Article -1063362381 569745668
2022 Implementation of new master's programmes of physical therapy in Ukraine Loboda, Andrii Mykolaiovych; Вовканич, А.С.; Yezhova, Olha Oleksandrivna; Тимрук-Скоропад, К.А.; Ціж, Л.М.; Sytnyk, Olha Andriivna Conference Papers 171913552 -871242368