Browsing by Keywords этика

Showing results 1 to 20 of 28
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 An Excursus on Truth and Language in Paul Celan Bravi, R. Article -2062857443 -913203723
2018 Can We Act Ethically? Implications of Determinism, Chaos Theory and Unintended Consequences Tsalikis, J. Article -1164530317 -1273111130
2020 Czech Students’ Perceptions of Ethical Behavior in Business and Entrepreneurship Barber III, D.; Batchelor, J.H.; Hatten, T.; Gibson, S.G.; Rolínek, L. Article -1623472773 -1298104292
2012 «Ethical and Confessional Banking: World Experience and Perspectives of Development Lukin, Dmytro Anatoliiovych; Мазило, Т.В. Article 754006122 -1576475751
2014 Ethical dimension of management of human activity and of human work results Najder-Stefaniak, K. Conference Papers -793824115 1222875835
2020 Human Resource Management Between Economy and Ethics – Research of Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina Hanić, A.; Jevtić, D. Article 1305861242 1895750937
2020 Inclusive Sustainable Development in the Caribbean Region: Social Capital and the Creation of Competitive Advantage in Tourism Networks George, B. Article -1838613283 379658711
2020 Information and Communication Technology in Organizational Operations. Ethical and Operational Implications Karaoulanis, A.; Karaoulanis, A.-C. Article 468536260 -1536678634
2019 Leadership and Management Philosophy of “Guzaara” or Cooperating to “Get Along” in South Asia’s Afghanistan Mujtaba, B.G. Article 973017431 902199488
2020 The Observational Research Study with the Trends in Healthcare Training and Leadership Ethics in The United States Probst, D.T.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -1146184636 -606669140
2017 Qualitative Review of Ethics from Religion, Culture and Corporate Scandals Balaraman, P. Article -2102815761 -1006403965
2015 The Enabling Power of Science for Economic and Sustainability Problems Solution Melnyk, Leonid Hryhorovych; Dehtyarova, Iryna Borysivna; Dehtiarova, Iryna Borysivna Article 248203189 -156975181
2019 The Role of Coping in Salespeople’s Satisfaction and Its Effect on Salespeople’s Ethics Srivastava, R.V. Article -2134570586 -593675408
2021 Transformational Educational Leadership and the Innovative Strategies Engaging Online Faculty for the Excellent Teaching Performance in the United States Matos, L.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -971854859 1807550139
2020 Transparency As A Way Of Attaining Quality, Safety And Optimal Food Purchases Dove, M.; Balasubramanian, A.; Narayanan, B.G. Article 1222205855 487063953
2012 Анализ этико-конфессиональных форм банковского бизнеса Мазило, Т.В.; Лукін, Д.А. Article 292562784 181281650
2015 Аналіз основних етичних проблем банківської галузі України Мазило, Т.В.; Lukin, Dmytro Anatoliiovych Article 1472496269 424903052
2013 Етика ділового спілкування Barbara, Nataliia Viktorivna Learning Object 1485584261 1172942710
2012 Етика навчального процесу на кафедрах педіатричного профілю Smiian, Oleksandr Ivanovych; Bynda, Tetiana Parfeniivna Conference Papers 34255760 26783259
2020 Етика та юридична відповідальність народних депутатів за порушення професійного спілкування Куліш, В.С. Masters thesis 418602607 108181255