Browsing by Author Didenko, S.I.

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 AlGaN Heterostructure Optimization for Photodetectors Didenko, S.I.; Rabinovich, О.I.; Legotin, S.A.; Fedorchenko, I.V.; Krasnov, А.А.; Osipov, Yu.V.; Melnik, M.S.; Sergeev, K.A. Article -617731975 815486881
2015 Analysis of the p-i-n-structures Electrophysical Characteristics Influence on the Spectral Characteristics Sensitivity Murashev, V.N.; Yurchuk, S.Yu.; Legotin, S.A.; Yaromskiy, V.P.; Osipov, Yu.V.; Astahov, V.P.; El’nikov, D.S.; Didenko, S.I.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Kuz’mina, K.A. Article 71726655 179931247
2016 CH3NH3PBI3 IV Output Parameters Degradation Investigation Orlova, M.N.; Didenko, S.I.; Saranin, D.S.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Krukov, A.Y.; Kolesnikov, A.V. Article 995416328 625582130
2015 Film Growth Based on an Organic Basis for Photovoltaic p-Cells Orlova, M.N.; Didenko, S.I.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Kolesnikov, V.A.; Desyatov, A.V.; Saranin, D.S. Article 1881700668 -1367499794
2014 Formation of Polymer Films in Organic Photovoltaic Systems Orlova, M.N.; Schemerov, I.V.; Kolesnikova, L.I.; Didenko, S.I. Article -2024182402 -1611005748
2015 Heterocyclic Polymers Perspectives in Nanolayers of Donor Acceptor Heterojunction for Organic Photovoltaic Application Orlova, M.N.; Didenko, S.I.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Saranin, D.S. Article 63229033 55364111
2015 Heterostructure Active Area Optimization by Simulation Rabinovich, O.I.; Didenko, S.I.; Legotin, S.A.; Fedorchenko, I.V.; Osipov, U.V. Article 45872949 39456902
2014 Impurity Influence on Nitride LEDs Rabinovich, O.I.; Legotin, S.A.; Didenko, S.I. Article 1681020086 -486938002
2015 Investigation of the Irradiation Influence with High-energy Electrons on the Electrical Parameters of the IGBT-transistors Murashev, V.N.; Konovalov, M.P.; Legotin, S.A.; Didenko, S.I.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Krasnov, A.A.; Kuzmina, K.A. Article 129059545 164330049
2014 Monolithic Silicon Photodetector - Detector of Ionizing Radiation Based on Functional Integrated MOS Structures Legotin, S.A.; Murashev, V.N.; Didenko, S.I.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Elnikov, D.S.; Krasnovska, A.A.; Bazalevsky, M.A.; Koltsov, G.I.; Kuzmina, K.A. Article 1370747159 147837255
2015 Optimization of Energy Conversion Efficiency Betavoltaic Element Based on Silicon Krasnov, A.A.; Legotin, S.A.; Omel’chenko, Yu.K.; Didenko, S.I.; Murashev, V.N.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Yurchuk, S.Yu.; Yaromsky, V.P.; Popkova, A.V. Article -2005790467 1198707333
2014 Photosensitive AlGaAs / GaAs Structures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Bazalevsky, M.A.; Koltsov, G.I.; Didenko, S.I.; Yurchuk, S.Yu.; Legotin, S.A.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Murashev, V.N.; Kazakov, I.P. Article 155490325 108320126
2015 Silicon Photodetectors Matrix Coordinate Bipolar Functionally Integrated Structures Murashev, V.N.; Legotin, S.A.; El’nikov, D.S.; Didenko, S.I.; Rabinovich, O.I. Article 113196182 74911997
2015 Simulation the Beta Power Sources Characteristics Yurchuk, S.Yu.; Legotin, S.A.; Murashev, V.N.; Krasnov, A.A.; Omel’chenko, Yu.K.; Osipov, Yu.V.; Didenko, S.I.; Rabinovich, O.I. Article 13059351 15527011
2015 The Current-voltage Characteristics Simulation of the Betavoltaic Power Supply Urchuk, S.U.; Krasnov, A.A.; Legotin, S.A.; Didenko, S.I.; Murashev, V.N.; Omel’chenko, U.C.; Osipov, U.V.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Popkova, A.V. Article 119211527 109886950
2015 The Spectral Sensitivity Characteristics Simulation of the Silicon p-i-n-structure with High Resistance Legotin, S.A.; Murashev, V.N.; Yurchuk, S.Yu.; Yaromskiy, V.P.; Astahov, V.P.; Kuz’mina, K.A.; Rabinovich, O.I.; El’nikov, D.S.; Osipov, U.V.; Krasnov, A.A.; Didenko, S.I. Article 87804556 68206548