Browsing by Keywords мотивація

Showing results 1 to 20 of 355
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 An Empirical Test of Herzberg's Two-Factor Motivation Theory Ozsoy, Emrah Article -1838369919 1067519466
2019 Brand Management: Organizational Changes in Project Management Zwerenz, D. Article 2059103196 -769226326
2022 Consumer Shopping Motive Identification: Study of Webrooming vs. Showrooming Olearova, M.; Gavurova, B.; Bacik, R. Article 504261519 1601843172
2022 Consumer’s Online Brand-Related Activities on the Social Network Instagram: An Analytical View of the Motivation for These Activities Nastisin, L.; Korba, P.; Pisar, O. Article 2087584 4335716
2013 Contemporary methodological approaches in study of personality in philosophy and sociology Yeremina, I. Article -1198759419 -93933435
2021 Corporate management models in the activity of an international company Kyianenko, A.V. Bachelous Paper 215594232 1118188361
2020 Creating motivation for employees through KPIS system Kobushko, Ihor Mykolaiovych; Kobushko, Yana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 767069582 -1754927697
2023 Determinants of Technopreneurial Intention Among University Students: Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation (IEO) as Mediator Koe, W.-L.; Rahim, M.R.A.; Mahphoth, M.H. Article 1737130648 1279823753
2020 Developing undergraduate students’ motivation for study through distance learning Liashenko, Iryna Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 516889742 149603255
2022 Development Of The Theory Of Educational Motivation In Different Age Periods Martyniuk, L.; Pukhno, S.; Luk`ianykhin, Vadym Oleksandrovych; Goretska, N.; Hutchenko, O.; Lypka, S. Article 58479 36523
2020 Digitalisierung im Fremdsprachenunterricht Yermolenko, Svitlana Vasylivna; Shcherbonos, Y.A. Article -475992696 -1532020981
2022 Employee Satisfaction and Motivation of Retail Store Employees Machova, R.; Zsigmond, T.; Zsigmondova, A.; Seben, Z. Article -1185682797 -1211286327
2022 The Factors that Influence the Intention of Marketing and Technological Innovation in MSMEs Wulandari, R.; Koe, W.L. Article 576013 498788
2013 Formative Assessment Approaches in Language Classroom Andreiko, Larysa Volodymyrivna Article 1684517381 -2056333550
2019 HR Management in the Digital Age: the Main Trends Assessment and Stakeholders Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Karintseva, Oleksandra Ivanivna; Kozlova, D.D.; Kovaleva, A.V. Article -1204505342 410693940
2021 HR-менеджмент в приватних закладах охорони здоров’я (на прикладі ТОВ «ВЕРБА МЕДІКАЛ») Логвинюк, Г.О. Masters thesis 1273885469 -2117495702
2022 The Impact of Corporate Culture on Employees' Motivation in International Companies Rak, A.V. Masters thesis -793356451 -277116711
2021 The Impact of Leadership on the Motivation of Hotel Employee During the Pandemic Era: Evidence from Greece Ypapanti, A.; Constantoglou, M. Article -1043448561 433316967
2020 The Impact of Motivation on Work Efficiency for Both Employers and Employees also During COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study from Armenia Tovmasyan, G.; Minasyan, D. Article -1603987428 950882831
2018 Improvement of personnel motivation at the enterprise Odewole, Oluwatobi O. Bachelous Paper 5 0