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Showing results 1 to 20 of 132
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Ефективність розумних енергомереж: китайський підхід Vakulenko, Ihor Anatoliiovych Article 2270054 2425098
2019 Correlational Study: Internal Auditing and Management Control Environment Innovation within Public Sector in the United States Kasztelnik, K.; Gaines, V.W. Article 1387645069 -562509474
2019 Innovation in Financial Reporting: the Aspect of the Capital Group Zimon, G.; Chlodnicka, H. Article -1778304509 -455296497
2019 Розвиток моделей оцінки ефективності інвестицій в інноваційні проекти (Частина 2) Zaitsev, Oleksandr Vasylovych Article 479518 210522
2019 Innovation as a Mediating of Relationship Between Internal and External Environment in Agribusiness Performance Ayodele, Ogundare Jeremiah; Innocent, Idachaba Odekina; Garba, Sule Jaafaru Article -2094436299 -935833598
2019 Value Co-creation and Leadership: An Analysis Based on the Business Ecosystem Concept Bonamigo, A.; Mendes, D. Article -438451152 -1583814992
2019 Multican Marketing as an Innovation Technology of Providing Services in the Conditions of Globalization of the Banking Market Reshetnikova, I.; Smerichevskyi, S.; Polishchuk, Y. Article 2098967493 1542702628
2019 Діджиталізація освіти в Україні: зарубіжний досвід та вітчизняна перспектива впровадження Sukhonos, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Harust, Yurii Vitaliiovych; Шевцов, Я.А. Article -2005752606 1798388124
2019 Financial instruments of stimulating innovative activities of enterprises and its improvements Liubkina, O.; Murovana, T.; Magomedova, A.; Siskos, E.; Akimova, L. Article -1305459415 1812227356
2019 Innovation in Service Quality Measurement: a Case of Nigerian Healthcare Sector Chinedum, Nduka; Chinwuba, Moguluwa Shedrack; Rejoice, Okocha Ebere Article 685687658 424904164
2019 Information Economy: Management of Educational, Innovation, and Research Determinants Shkarlet, S.; Kholiavko, N.; Dubyna, M. Article -1717521381 940819459
2019 Innovation, Education, Research Components of the Evaluation of Information Economy Development (as Exemplified by Eastern Partnership Countries) Shkarlet, S.; Kholiavko, N.; Dubyna, M.; Zhuk, O. Article -1587707980 2011440015
2019 Innovative development of the regions: cooperation between enterprises and state institutions Tyukhtenko, N.; Makarenko, S.; Oliinyk, N.; Gluc, K.; Portugal, E.; Rybachok, S. Article -28080369 70000114
2019 State regulation of the economic security by applying the innovative approach to its assessment Levchenko, V.; Boiko, Anton Oleksandrovych; Savchenko, Taras Hryhorovych; Bozhenko, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna; Humenna, Yuliia Hryhorivna; Pilin, R. Article -1800319835 2068004518
2018 The Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Activities for Economic Development: A Route to Innovation and Job Generation Khan, Y. Article -172794171 1474951338
2018 Influence of innovation factor in economic dynamics in Europe Smoliy, L.; Revutska, A.; Novak, I. Article 108443650 769498533
2018 Innovation marketing to enhance competitiveness: case of Armenia and Ukraine Isahakyan, Sh.; Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna Article -1446499979 1008177354
2018 Innovations as a Prerogative in Teaching Foreign Languages Chepeliuk, Antonina Dmytrivna; Susidenko, Ye. Article 1545029383 -626740021
2018 The evaluation of the impact of financial technologies innovations on CEECs capital markets Paskevicius, A.; Keliuotyte-Staniuleniene, G. Article 1801591385 2135301613
2018 Goodwill assessment in enterprise management: innovative approaches using computer and communication technologies Zadorozhnyi, Z-M.; Sudyn, Y.; Muravskyi, V. Article -118480386 1585877452