Browsing by Keywords social media

Showing results 1 to 20 of 41
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 B2B Communication Strategy: Introducing a New Multifunctional Application for the Waste Management Industry Svetlik, J.; Lastuvka, I. Article 1213786508 1523959314
2021 Comparative Analysis of Marketing Communications Changes under the Influence of Covid-19 Nesterenko, Volodymyr Ivanovych; Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna; Rosokhata, Anna Serhiivna; Moskalenko, A.O. Article 6314 17998
2020 Defining the Types of "Fakers" in Social Media Saura, J.R.; Punzo, J.G. Article -1282723203 -44430067
2021 Digital Marketing as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Case Study of Slovak Republic Nadanyiova, M.; Majerova, J.; Gajanova, L. Article 1675759515 -550960339
2021 The Effect of Social Media on Financial Literacy Shvaher, Olha Andriivna; Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Polyakova, L.G. Article -1408992598 1523220202
2020 Engagement Marketing: the Innovative Perspective to Enhance the Viewer’s Loyalty in Social Media and Blogging E-Commerce Websites Sadiq, W.; Abdullah, I.; Aslam, K.; Zulfiqar, S. Article 854704521 -346717025
2022 Financial Fraud Detection on Social Networks Based on a Data Mining Approach Bozhenko, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna; Mynenko, Serhii Volodymyrovych; Shtefan, A. Article -413211653 -1750764916
2024 How VLOG Promotion Content Influences Consumer Attitudes Jiang, L.; Yukio, K. Article 4074689 1764717
2020 Improving approaches to promoting business on the Internet Ngoh Sondi Doris, Masters thesis 1969359115 1583924259
2018 Improving the management of social media (on the example of Facebook) Tobias, I.N. Bachelous Paper 3 0
2022 Innovation And Social Networks For Creating Social Value Lopez, B.S.; Caetano, I.M.S.; Alcaide, A.V. Article 17815056 5688021
2020 Innovations in Human Resource Management: Impact of Social Media Use on Employees’ Performance Alkhateeb, M.; Abdalla, R. Article -58008100 -1221559246
2021 International Overview of Business Profiles from the Perspective of Instagram Users Machova, R.; Santa, K.; Basa, P. Article -320805662 616390542
2021 The Perception of Using Social Media – A Comparison of Entrepreneurs Implementing CSR in Managerial Practice and other Entrepreneurs in Selected V4 Countries Metzker, Z.; Belas, J.; Amoah, J. Article 1863634 8034627
2022 Promoting Green Brand of University in Social Media: Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis Us, Yana Oleksandrivna; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Chen, Y.; Tambovceva, T. Article 374192 121250
2020 Raising the Effectiveness of Tourism Marketing and Branding: Evidence from Armenia Tovmasyan, G. Article 85202730 513919490
2019 Research on the influence of social media on generation Y consumer purchase decisions Davidaviciene, V.; Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, S.; Paliulis, R. Article 1712843232 -13728132
2021 The Role of Decisions by the European Court of Human Rights in Shaping the Content of New Media Literacy Education Plotnikova, Mariia Volodymyrivna; Zavhorodnia, Vladyslava Mykolaivna; Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Polyakova, L.G. Article -1243964471 1108903744
2022 The role of digital (social) media in the management of innovation projects at the company and self-employment levels Prokopenko, O.; Sadivnychyi, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych; Batyrbekova, Z.; Omelyanenko, V.; Kostynets, Y.; Iankovets, T. Article 759824601 378595218
2013 SMM як невід'ємна частина сучасного Інтернет-маркетингу Illiashenko, Nataliia Serhiivna; Савченко, О.С. Conference Papers 545285578 831080871