Browsing by Keywords бренд

Showing results 1 to 20 of 152
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Brand as the main marketing direction of enterprises activity Moklyak, M.V.; Popova, Yu.M.; Shinkarenko, R.V. Article 486522918 -1647609952
2016 Brand management cognition Natorina, A.O. Conference Papers 886770529 348508940
2017 Branding with understanding: how national profile of consumer influences brand value perception Kliestikova, J.; Janoskova, K. Article -1849738000 1458862452
2019 Chinese Smartphone Brands: Gender, Consumers Behavioural and Attitudinal Loyalty Zeng, F.; Bhutto, M.Y.; Soomro, Y.A. Article -1612752222 1865460355
2020 Conceptual Relationships Between Country Image and Economic Security Mikhnevych, L.; Marchenko, V.; Hristov, P.; Kuzior, A. Article -1470359391 1781838331
2023 Consumer’s Online Brand-Related Activities in Instagram and their Impact on Word-of-Mouth Nastisin, L.; Kmec, K.; Kral, S. Article 67963 76426
2022 Consumer’s Online Brand-Related Activities on the Social Network Instagram: An Analytical View of the Motivation for These Activities Nastisin, L.; Korba, P.; Pisar, O. Article 2087584 4335716
2017 Convergence of Brand Language Elements Ushchapovska, Iryna Vasylivna Article -1444640791 -505560857
2019 Country’s Brand and Corruption Level: Cointegration Analysis Milova, T.; Troshkina, K.; Horlov, Y.; Dobkowski, J. Article 1227357727 -562843081
2012 Cross-promotion як елемент просування брендів Сірік, Ю. Conference Papers 19811842 15034442
2019 Economic security of the country: marketing, institutional and political determinants Harust, Yurii Vitaliiovych; Melnyk, Vadym Ivanovych; Prasol, L. Article -1193567691 -2121154160
2023 Exploring Socioeconomic Factors for the Sustainability of Electric Guitar Brands: Focusing on Traditional Values and Psychological Attachment Oe, H.; Yamaoka, Y. Article 2550 432
2021 Gray-market and its Impacts on Brand Image: Case for Retail Perfume Industry Maqsood, S.M.; Soomro, Y.A. Article -1946802022 387269595
2019 Green branding as a driver to boost the development of green investment market Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych Article 868657231 -1663827486
2018 Identity approach of brand management: why invest in the brand identity Ushchapovska, Iryna Vasylivna Conference Papers 1952452449 -13937030
2018 Marketing instruments to promote green investment: declining greenwashing Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Liulova, Liliia Yuriivna Article 465946016 -1989524157
2022 Mission and vision in the language of sustainable brands: sociolinguistic issues Ushchapovska, Iryna Vasylivna; Vorfolomeiev, M. Article 2100423 354804
2018 National brand as a marketing determinant of macroeconomic stability Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Article 959069896 1587210368
2013 PR-комунікації сучасних підприємств Yanenko, Yaroslav Vasylovych Article -170178024 497428305
2023 Products brand marketing strategy based on environmental friendliness agricultural innovation: China-Ukraine’s case Prokopenko, K.; Liang, R.; Bliumska-Danko, K.; Artiukhov, Artem Yevhenovych; Dluhopolskyi, О. Conference Papers 197 125